Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good morning!

It's back to work for me.  No more holiday schedule.  Thank goodness it's a shortened week this week.  I'm tired to start (H wanted to watch the end of the Stanford game last night, que lastima).

Also, it's freezing here.  Okay, it's FL, so it's probably not actually freezing, but it's damned cold to be in an uninsolated house.  I can't wait to move.

How are you all?

Re: Good morning!

  • It is freezing today. It was like 32 when I got up this morning, which made it very hard to get out from under the heater blanket. Not cool, Florida. I feel bad for H since he was to work outside all day.
  • Evil two weeks of cold weather.  ;)
  • It's longer than 2 weeks here, mica. North Florida sucks. I miss being farther south.

    So, this old guy who just started a month or so ago is really irritating. He sits diagonal from me. He is constantly clearing his throat and the sound is disgusting. He also randomly laughs at whatever he finds funny when working on a site, and when something frustrates him, bangs on the desk and mutters under his breath. Sometimes he says loudly, "Are you for real?" or something to that effect.

    Right now he's sighing and shuffling about.
  • Morning. I'm headed to work Just wanted to say hello. Hope those of your returning to work have a great first day back!
  • I slept like shiit. I keep getting response emails back from adoptiona agencies I emailed saying that I should keep the cat with FIV because she can only give it to our cats if she bites them. They make me feel so guilty for not wanting to keep her because of it. I have already cried this morning and everytime I think about it I get more upset.

    Why oh why am I such a baby when it comes to animals. Poor H is just as bad. Last night he told me he wants to distanced himself from the cat so he doesn't get attached.
  • Poor Rosie and H.  :(  You two are the cutest animal lovers, I wish the situation was happier.
  • Ok no more cat talk from me. Today starts the restarting of H and I's wedding diet. Now it will just be the postwedding diet. Can't say I am excited but I need to see results and get into better shape. Well I need to lost weight really.
  • Hello, I seem to be the only one loving it that it is a high of 15 degrees here in Western NY.  Lake Effect snow warning in todays forcast. 
    I got my new mittens, winter coat, boots, and hat on.  As long as I do not have to drive in it I welcome it! 

    And so does the Golden. <---------See upper left hand corner pic of Helmut who is so happy (after a week) to be home on his own bed, with his own blanket, in his own kitchen, next to his own warm heater, in his own house, with both his owners at work, so he can sleep, and sleep, and sleep.  And then play in the snow tonight!
  • Sesh, good luck this week with the kickoff of your teaching!  So neat.

    Rosie and Mr. Rosie, you are such great kitty parents.  You are between a rock and a hard place on this one.
  • Morning, ladies. Back to the grind for me as well. That 2+ weeks off makes it exceedingly difficult to come back, exacerbated by jet lag. I was awake at 3 this morning.

    It was 21 here this morning. So much for Missy's assertion that GA doesn't have winters per se.
  • Morninggggg!  I love that it's 'cold' out.  :)
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  • Good morning.  Fezz, you can have our cold.  My hands are still tingling from pumping gas into the car this morning.  I need a pair of gloves.

    I'm waiting for the dentist's office to open so I can schedule H's extraction.  Here's hoping that goes well.  The inflammation has gone down a little thanks to the antibiotics, but it's still causing him pain (although it's not excruciating like yesterday).  I hope they can just get it done today, that would be nice.

    And Crazy Coworker just returned from his vacation!  This morning should be nice and insane, just like usual.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Morning.

    It's really cold here.  Feels like 32 according to the news.

    I'm annoyed that I have the maternal gene and DH clearly does not.  So that means I'm the one who gets up at 4am with Chef-D and he doesn't even budge.  Cry

    I have the next 2 days off.  I so need them.  Basically I will be running errands and taking naps.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:cdabf991-27a2-4b55-a44e-c9e32ae02acfPost:cd8bbd95-2ed9-4285-b204-962b3d292f0b">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sesh, good luck this week with the kickoff of your teaching!  So neat. Rosie and Mr. Rosie, you are such great kitty parents.  You are between a rock and a hard place on this one.
    Posted by ski2play[/QUOTE]

    Thanks! Classes start tomorrow. So far I can't even see my roster because nothing is opened up to the students, so hopefully that all get sorted out by tomorrow. Apparently the son of one of my mom's friends enrolled in my class, so that should be interesting.

    Rosie, sorry about the kitty. Hopefully one of the shelters will still take her.
  • Morning, all. I'm waiting to go to the doctor because my shoulder really hurts, but other than that, nothing too exciting going on here.

    Is it vacation time again yet?
  • Good morning ladies ~ Bay I hear you on the cold, it was 25 on my way in this morning and it's not going to change any time soon - ugh!

    My office is even freezing - I need to get a little heater in here lol

    In unrelated news, Emily, I saw you on House Hunters this weekend :) 
  • I'm just relaxing on the couch until it's time for me to go get in the shower to go to work.  I went to bed early (for me anyhow) last night and slept pretty much right through to the alarm.  After 12 hours in the car yesterday I was exhausted.  The last 10 miles was filled with idiots who don't know how to drive in the snow.
  • Morning!  We had a bit of a scare with our dachshund on NYE.  When we got up one of his back legs wasn't working right.  It would spasm out and then pull back in, and he didn't have any control over it.  Of course I immediately burst into tears, so H had to call the vet and she said to give her an hour and then come in.  I made him lie quietly with me on the dog bed, and after the hour was up he jumped up and his leg was almost fine.  We took him in anyways, and the vet said he might be slipping another disc so he's back on steroids.  Want to know why I love my vet?  We went in on NYE, emergency hours, and she only charged us $46, including the meds.  I will cry when she's no longer practicing.

    Sorry for the novel.  That was a stressful morning. 
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Cfas how did things go with your H's friend and the girl he hooked up with at your Halloween party?
  • Awww, Adamar, the poor puppy :(  I hope he feels better soon.  You have an awesome vet.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Morning Admar, that poor little fella.  Hope he is feeling better.  Your H is a good man. 

  •  Adamar - aww poor puppy.  Hope he is better now.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Thanks guys.  It wasn't quite as scary as when his whole back end went out, but I'm so paranoid about him.  My biggest fear is that he's eventually going to lose control of his functions.  He was MISERABLE when his back end was paralyzed and he didn't have control over anything.  OK this is making me cry again.  Happy thoughts anyone? 
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Good morning, it's freezing here this morning and it's back to work after vacation. :(

    Good luck with the start of classes tomorrow Sesh, I'm sure you're going to do great!

    Rosie this cat story you keep telling makes me tear up, that poor kitty and poor you and h for being such loving and caring animal people.  I hope things can get all figured out for you soon!

    Adamar I hope your puppy is ok, that sounds painful.  It sounds like you have an awesome vet though.
  • Morning everyone.

    Sounds like some internet hugs are needed today.  ((Hugs for anyone who wants them))
    Rosie, I hope you guys figure out a good home for the kitty.  
    Adamar, I hope your pup is okay (and I'm jealous of your vet, she sounds awesome!)
    Emily, I hope your shoulder feels better.
    Bay, I hope your H's tooth gets squared away and that crazy CW doesn't drive you too nuts today.
    Everyone who hates the cold, hopefully it lasts as long as it's supposed to here- a whole 2 days :)  It's supposed to be back to nearly 50 on Friday, at least as of now.

    And on an ironic funny note, I've now officially been married longer than Kim K.  Oy vey.
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  • Good Morning!  I hope everyone has a great week!  
  • Ugggghhhhh.  Dentist can't fit H in until tomorrow, when he has a 6 AM - 6 PM shift as an EMT.  H is not happy.  But we can't put this off -- it's too painful and we're leaving on Sunday.  He's going to have to call them today and tell them he can't work tomorrow. 

    At least it's 24 hours' notice.  It's not like he's waking up tomorrow and calling in sick.  They have time to find a replacement.  And the way they schedule (throwing up the free shifts online and asking who wants them), I'm sure that someone will want the extra hours.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • I have never in my life had bad french toast. People are douchelords.

  • Agreed on the French Toast.  And a related note, I got a waffle maker from FI for xmas and I am having them with strawberry and whipped cream for dinner one night this week.  And FI is just going to get over the fact we are having breakfast for dinner.  Surprised
  • I had bad French toast at a 24 hour diner once.

    That sentence was pretty redundant.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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