Wedding Etiquette Forum

E* arrest needs made

Remember the wedding I had to go to like 4 months ago?  The "real" wedding where they had already been married a year?  Well I hadn't thought about the fact that we hadn't received a thank you card until today. 

I just received a photo thank you/Christmas card all rolled into one.......AND........not even a signature.  Just a thank you for sharing our day and have a great holiday. 

OY.  I think every rule has officially been broken at this point. 

Re: E* arrest needs made

  • Oh man.  Is this someone you speak with on a regular basis?
  • It's Mr Stacks best friend from when he was younger.  So no, I see them once, maybe twice a year b/c they live in a different city.  I think he's clueless about it all though and the wife is running the show on all of this. 
  • You should take the next few months before you see them, to think of your acidic response to their Thank you/holiday cards.  "Oh, that was such an interesting idea you had to print the thank you cards like that.  I wish I'd been lazy enough to think of it too!"
  • Ha.  That's great!
  • Isn't the signature the most important part?
  • Wow, just wow. I mean, the only thing, is at least they sent something. But still?! Not even a signature?!
  • Ouch. . .
    I was in a wedding this past May. . the 'thank you' came in the form of a facebook wall post that was pretty much a bunch of nada. Have not heard from them since. I thought that was rather Shnitty.

    I agree.. come up with a clever come back :o)
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  • I went to a baby shower in January... still no thank you.  Now, I don't know if it's normal to send a TY for a babyshower, but FI and I spent a ton and gave a lot of gifts at that shower.

    Went to their wedding in September... and spent $500 in gifts. NO THANK YOU!!!

    It doesn't matter what the dollar ammount you spend it... but it really ticks me off that we got no thank you, nothing.
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