Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good morning!


Re: Good morning!

  • Thanks Mrs. B.  I'll be good.  Just have to keep busy for a few days so that I don't think about it :)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]LVB- I'm completely fine. I just witnessed a wreck outside of my house yesterday that killed a motorcyclist instantly.  It was pretty gory and I just can't shake the images.
    Posted by barrelbabe004[/QUOTE]
    Oh wow. I am so sorry...
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    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • LVB- I was pretty shaky last night and bawled to H when I called him to tell him he wasn't going to be able to get home for awhile... They had the road closed for 4 hours. 

  • Anyway, onto happier things :)

    Anyone doing anything for Easter? 
  • We aren't doing anything fun for Easter...just a family lunch.

    How about you?
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • My IL's are coming over for brunch.  14 people in my tiny 2 bedroom duplex.  It'll be interesting.
  • Easter plans: today we're taking BB over to my ILs so they can see her. Last year we did Easter with them.  Tomorrow we're going over to my cousin's for lunch (though we'll be sticking to our diets) and an egg hunt.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • I miss the days when we had little kids in the family for egg hunts.  My little brother is graduating high school this year and my cousins are in high school too.  The hunts were always so fun.
  • Who's already written 559 words in her 2,000 word research paper?


    I feel like I'm off to a good start, so I'll take a little break and procrastinate some more. I have to make a giant salad to take to the inlaws tomorrow.  It'll probably be just about the only thing I can eat among the fattyfatfat foods that they like to serve at hollidays. Also, Shea wants us to go to the sunrise service tomorrow (6 freaking AM) and I'm going to try and change his mind. I have a cute dress that I want to wear, and it's hard for me to get pretty that early in the morning. Did I mention we live about 45 minutes away from the church?
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • 6 am on a Sunday morning is an unknown to me.

    Good job on your paper :) 
  • I know, right?  If I attempt makeup that early I'd probably stab my self in the eye with my mascara or something.  This is our first married Easter, though, so I want to look nice. 
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • I understand that.  I somehow got roped into having all of the IL's over to my house for ours.  I really hope that they don't think that this is a start of a tradition.  I'm not sure I could handle it every year.
  • Eek!  Yeah, I hope for your sanity's sake that they don't think it's the "first annual Easter at Barrel's house."

    Good news!  Shea just got home, and we're going to the 8 AM service!  Still early, but a hell of a lot better than 6.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • We are doing brunch with my MIL and family.  I am taking poppyseed coffee cake.  My great grandmother's recipe.  
    Barrel - that accident sounds like no fun.  It'd take me a while to get over that too.  

    My dad just called to talk to us again about whether we can commit to going on a vacation with them again next spring (We went to Mexico with my family last month) and even though I've told him we won't be able to commit until after the summer (a lot depends on our financial situation if/when we sell our house this summer) he just keeps pressing.  I know it's just cause they enjoy it and want to see us, but it's annoying!!  When I tell you I can't commit until September, don't ask me about it 3 times in March and 4 times in April.   Is it September yet?
  • Ya 8 is a much more manageable time than 6 :)
  • Yum poppyseed coffee cake sounds yummy!

    My parents are the opposite. They plan vacations last minute and then H and I don't have the time to get time off or get saved up.   I don't know which one is worse :)
  • I agree - 8 is much better than 6.
  • adamar - yay for making progress with your paper!

    barrel - that sounds like fun, but definitely a bit cramped. I think that would drive me crazy. That is precisely the reason why we can't have people over here. And besides we don't have any family here anyway. I just can't wait until we move back and get a house someday soon and are able to host holidays and such.
  • We are just going over to friends house from church for Easter tomorrow. Won't be the same as being with family and having all the traditional favorites, but it will do. Better than being here by ourselves. And her H is deployed for a year so she is by herself with 3 crazy kids. I try to help her out as much as I can. They don't have any family here either.

    I am taking dessert (snickerdoodle cookies) and making green bean casserole per H's request. I am going to miss my sweet potatos, but I just don't feel like going through all that hassle this year esp with everything we have going on right now.
  • Good morning.  I haven't read the thread, so here's a general "Yay," "boo," or "I'm sorry" for all the good and bad news in it.  

    I have a wicked headache from drinking waayyy too much vodka last night.  H is putting together our new turkey deep dryer, and I'm drinking coffee waiting for the advil to kick in.  

    It's supposed to be gorgeous today so we will probably take Stewie to the dog park in a little bit.  Then I might make my mashed potatoes and/or chicken wing dip for tomorrow just to not have to do it then.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • It's finally quite nice here.  We opened the windows and stuff to air out the house.  So good to have fresh air inside for a bit.

  • It's nice here today too.  I'm hoping it sticks around but it looks like we're in for more rain tomrrow.  I'm going to have to start boating to work with all the flooding that's starting.
  • It is actually not going to be too awful hot here today. I just opened the windows. Maybe the fresh air will do H some good even though my allergies are going to hate me for it. Tomorrow it is going to be 90, so we will definitely need the a/c back on then.
  • Ah I can't wait until we hit 90 again.  It's been unseasonably cold here.  I'm just ready for tank tops.

    Oh and for school to be out. :)
  • It's like the words "mashed potatoes" from Beach's post called to me. I just got finished with my facial - holy balls awesome. I want another one already lol.
  • Hey dolls!  I'm doing my weekly "catch up" on tv from this past week.  H, myself and a friend went to a seaside town today and it was faaaabulous.  We also sat outside having deelish hamburgers.

  • The high today is about 90 and it's gorgeous outside. I wish my skin wasnt still all tender and burned feeling. Tanning beds aren't made for casper's like me apparently.
  • Snippy- stupid question, do you watch shows in Swedish or do you just watch shows in English? Or both? Or is the answer Blue Moon?
  • LDY I told you they are awesome!  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Isn't is incredibly relaxing?
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I wish I liked chicken wing dip. I love all things buffalo, but that shredded chicken just grosses me out for some reason. 
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
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