Wedding Etiquette Forum

aw, geez, another one? FOUR

Tiger Woods is really starting to bore me but today another young blond came forward, complete with press agent. She's been having an affair with Woods for 2 years. WHEN does he every get to practice his putt?

Re: aw, geez, another one? FOUR

  • When he's with me, OOT.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • WHEN does he every get to practice his putt?

    Depending on what he calls it, you may have just answered your own question. Wink

    I saw this too and was like, ugh. Then I wondered if Sascha knew this chick too!

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • I find it amusing all the entertainment shows that have talked to Dr. Sex or something (from the sex rehab show) about tigers sex addiction.

    Naa, hes just a jackass who cheated on his wife. Thats all there is to it.
  • yeah, I knew I should have worded that a bit differently ;) So fishe, if you two practice enough, perhaps you will be able to play Nantucket next summer
  • I'd probably be laughed off Nantucket, but I would enjoy every embarrassing minute.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d50469a3-12d6-464a-8d8e-a72a30c70a6dPost:319edfbf-d3a8-42d3-bba7-f48741343c03">Re: aw, geez, another one? FOUR</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'd probably be laughed off Nantucket, but I would enjoy every embarrassing minute.
    Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]

    Hey, they didn't laugh Bill Clinton off the island when he played with Kerry. He teed off yellow though
  • I think Clinton and/or Kerry would have a bit more street cred in Nantucket that Fish Face from Fargo.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • bbyckesbbyckes member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2009
    So, now he's a sex addict?  It's Dr. Drew, Nebb. 

    Yep, Tiger is an ass. 
  • Anyone remember SmokeEnders? group approach to quit smoking? I think, given all the "exposes" over the last year or tow, perhaps a FuckEnders programs would be worth while. Just an idea here
  • Just because someone is coming out and saying they had an affair with him doesn't mean they're being honest.  People are just trying to cash in on his current troubles.
  • I think those girls are ridiculous.  Coming out like that makes them seem like big whores.
  • I would guess there's at least 10 not speaking out for every one that has.
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  • They may be taking advantage of an inopportune time, but it makes all involved look bad.
  • They could be lying for financial gain, but what if the rest of them have proof like that one girl? His poor wife, that's so embarrassing. I hope she drains his bank account.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: aw, geez, another one? FOUR</a>:
    [QUOTE] I hope she drains his bank account.
    Posted by FJL10[/QUOTE]

    She signed a pre-nup.  She'll be well taken care of.
  • Our local radio stations have been reporting that there are several local girls who have gotten lawyers.  Evidently, he frequented several of the bars downtown.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: aw, geez, another one? FOUR</a>:
    [QUOTE]. Then I wondered if Sascha knew this chick too!
    Posted by beatlesgirl25[/QUOTE]

    Nope!  Just looked up the gossip...this one was from Orlando:)

    I do believe with the commentabut for each one that comes forward there are many more that will never speak.  What about all the one night stands?

    Trust me when I say that many cheaters never even get called out in the media. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I just read an article saying there were 8 now , I think. The weird thing to me, is that I think his wife is way better looking than any of the ones he cheated with. It's all about the thrill, I guess.
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