Hi there! I thought I better introduce myself since I'm new to the boards. I've been lurking these forums for the last 5-6 months on my co-worker's username, so I'm not completely new to TK, but I might start posting here and there, so I figured I'd get that out there!
My FI and I are both twenty something- North Western PA- soon to be newlyweds! I'm in finance, and he owns his own Construction business. We got engaged in 2008, and now we've finally set a date for this August!
Well, anyways, my question is...If I see many of our wedding guests on a weekly basis, is it OK to hand deliver their formal invitations when the time comes? This would cut down a lot of postage cost, but if it's concidered against etiquette, I have no problem mailing all of them out. Thoughts?