Wedding Etiquette Forum

A good chuckle

So, I'm in International Law right now and my prof was loading a video to show us on YouTube. He mentioned that in his Admiralty Law class, he has even shown a video of Ke$ha. We all laughed (particularly because he's old enough to look like he wouldn't ever know who that was...) and asked why he would show a video of her in class about admiralty law.

He replied, simply, : "Well, I have a list of people who should be severly punished..."

and then we all burst out laughing.

I thought it was a good chuckle for the day.

DISCLAIMER-- My prof was joking and obviously he nor I take any responsibility to if Ke$ha somehow ends up punished/hurt/injured in any way some day. ;)

Re: A good chuckle

  • Ke$ha is a dirty hookahguttertramp.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • And I can't believe I just legitimately used a damn dollar sign to spell her name.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A good chuckle</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ke$ha is a dirty hookahguttertramp.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    I'd say that is a pretty good description, LC.
  • Omg. Kesha. Just... No. 

    I've heard her described as a dirty tablecloth and I thought it was very accurate. So many of my singing students bring in her songs for us to sing and all I can think is " SHE'S NOT SINGING. SHE IS SPEAKING."
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A good chuckle</a>:
    [QUOTE]Omg. Kesha. Just... No.  I've heard her described as a dirty tablecloth and I thought it was very accurate. So many of my singing students bring in her songs for us to sing and all I can think is " SHE'S NOT SINGING. SHE IS SPEAKING."
    Posted by mixtapehearts[/QUOTE]

    They want to SING HER SONGS?! That is just depressing, considering the amount of legitimately good songs out there.
  • Yes Mixtape! She doesn't actually sing anything. It's just autotuning and she has this really weird accent that I can't place. I wish I had her number so I could call her and be like "Dude. NEWSFLASH. YOU ARE A WHITE GIRL. STOP."
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • i truly can't figure out who is buying her music.

    it's bad.

    it's (wannabe) provocative-but not in a clever way.  just vulgar and stupid.

  • I will now only pronounce her name as "Kee dollar sign ha" like the principal did in Glee. I laughed a lot at that part.

    She's gross. She looks like she would be sticky all the time, like a kid with a lollipop.
  • I definitely agree cengle-- totally sticky and dirty and just... grimy.
  • Don't hate.  You're just jealous you don't brush your teeth with jack and guys don't try to touch your junk!  You know this is totally cute:

  • It's so incredibly depressing when kids bring her songs in. I find a way to gently tell the, that her songs are too hard to sing. AKA: No. I will not support this dirty garbage bag's music.
  • If a guy tried to touch my junk, I wouldn't "sing" about it. I'd punch him in the face.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A good chuckle</a>:
    [QUOTE]Don't hate.  You're just jealous you don't brush your teeth with jack and guys don't try to touch your junk!  You know this is totally cute:
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    I'm really just jeaous because the dirty hoar took my style and made it famous before me. Now no one thinks my pantless self is unique! ;)
  • Have y'all seen that terrible picture of her in that weird bikini? It's tuuuuuurrible.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A good chuckle</a>:
    [QUOTE]And I can't believe I just legitimately used a damn dollar sign to spell her name.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>MS's story made me inwardly chuckle, but LC just made me laugh out loud.</div>
  • Stackeye210Stackeye210 member
    edited April 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: A good chuckle</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A good chuckle : I'm really just jeaous because the dirty hoar took my style and made it famous before me. Now no one thinks my pantless self is unique! ;)
    Posted by musicalsunlight[/QUOTE]

    There's always room for more dirty hoars, it's like jell-0, there's always room.
  • That must be a weird able since it looks like there is something stuffed in her underpants. Or maybe it is not stuffed, who knows!
  • OMG, LC.  My eyes.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

  • LC, I saw those pics too. That has got to be one of the most unflattering bathing suits I've ever seen.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A good chuckle</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A good chuckle : There's always room for more dirty hoars, it's like jell-0, there's always room.
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    mmmm jell-o.
  • Wow. LC. That is...just really not attractive. At all.

    Like, I think I could pull of a bikini better than that, and that's REALLy saying something.
    That's mean, isn't it? yeah, that's probably mean.
  • Ah, yes.  The high waisted bikini debacle of 2011.  The beach will never be the same!  Not enough dollar signs in her name to ever pull that off! 
  • I'm scared to click on the link since I'm in class and it doesn't sound like its safe, heh.
  • I know Bay! I saw that and was just wtf kind of swim suit is that? And more importantly, why are you wearing what is quite possibly the most unflattering piece of clothing ever made?
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • It looks like black granny panties and a Wal-Mart bra that has exactly zero support.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

  • That swim suit is a big mistake. Did she really look in the mirror and go "Yeah, this looks hot!" ?!?!


    You all know that she was on The Simple Life? Like, her family was one of the farm families visited by Nicole Richi and Paris Hilton.
  • So here is proof that make up and airbrushing can do amazing things. 

    Not horrible......almost cute:

    ZOMG MY EYES MY EYES!!!!!  How is this the same person?

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A good chuckle</a>:
    [QUOTE]That swim suit is a big mistake. Did she really look in the mirror and go "Yeah, this looks hot!" ?!?! NO KESHA. TURN AROUND. GO HOME. You all know that she was on The Simple Life? Like, her family was one of the farm families visited by Nicole Richi and Paris Hilton.
    Posted by mixtapehearts[/QUOTE]

    Shut up!  For real? 
  • Get outta here. 
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