Wedding Etiquette Forum

Rings on Right Hand

Hi everyone,

My fiance and I will both be wearing our rings on our right hands.  This is because I have webbed fingers on my left hand (it isn't noticeable... just makes wearing a ring uncomfortable, and wearing two rings impossible since one would be on my knuckle).  During the ceremony should we say anything about this... like we are following the European tradition (Europeans wear them on the right hand).  Or can we just not say anything? 

I didn't think it was a big deal, but after we got engaged about 50% of people ask why I have it on the "wrong" hand.  I just get a little embarrased explaining that I have a mutant duck hand... and then half-heartedly laughing at the "you must swim great!" joke that follows. 

I am leaning towards not saying anything, but wanted to know other's thoughts.  Thanks for your help! 
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Re: Rings on Right Hand

  • I wouldn't say anything about it.
  • I wouldn't say anything.  I bet people only noticed when you were engaged because they wanted to see your bling all the time.  I wouldn't worry too much :)
    My Bio Updated 4/6/10
  • I wouldn't say anything....think of all of the numbers you'll still get when they don't see a ring on your left hand ;)

  • Yep, don't mention it. 
  • I wouldn't mention anything initially.  But if someone asked, I'd be truthful.
  • If someone asks why, I might just say, "oh, it's a long story, but it's more comfortable on my right hand" or "My FI is European, so we're following that tradition."

    A lot of women wear their e-ring on the right hand once they get married anyway.

    I wouldn't say anything about it at the wedding.
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  • I wouldn't say anything about it.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • edited July 2010
    Thanks everyone.  We won't say anything. 

    I guess my fear is that some fool will whisper (in that loud not-really-a-whisper kind of whisper) "Why are they putting them on the wrong hand?" 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Rings on Right Hand</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks everyone.  We won't say anything.  I guess my fear is that some fool will whisper (in that loud not-really-a-whisper kind of whisper) "Why are they putting them on the wrong hand?" 
    Posted by ehathewa[/QUOTE]

    Even if they do though - who cares?  Some people just have a pokey stick up their ass and are going to be jerks about something - ANYTHING.  Whatever.  You can't control what people say, so don't worry about it.
  • I wouldn't say anything, it's not that big a deal. And it's not a European tradition, it's a religion-based tradition.
  • You know, I was going to say people who wear on the right hand are Orthodox Christians mainly, but I wasn't 110% on it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Rings on Right Hand</a>:
    [QUOTE]You know, I was going to say people who wear on the right hand are Orthodox Christians mainly, but I wasn't 110% on it.
    Posted by AmoroAgain[/QUOTE]

    Yep, that would be correct. Like my mum, who's as athiest as it gets, wears hers on her left versus my dad, who's Greek Orthodox, wears his on his right.
  • That's what I thought, but I had a random, NO THAT"S NOT RIGHT moment
  • bel138bel138 member
    Sixth Anniversary 500 Comments
    We wear ours on our right hand, like amoro and alix said, because of religious reasons. We didn't say anything at the time, but I tell the truth if someone asks.
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  • I go with the don't say anything, it's none of their buisness anyway.  But if someone asks don't lie.  You aren't wearing them that way because of European tradition and if you say you are it can ruin your credibility.  I mean if you would lie about why you are wearing your ring on your right hand what else are you lying about?
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  • If someone asks, then you can mention whatever you want, however if no one asks then don't tell-- it'll be fine
    Sarah Kropf Wedding Countdown Ticker 98image 12image 4image
  • I wouldn't say anything. 

    We went to Germany to visit Nick's family just after we got engaged, and they were all really perplexed by why I was wearing my new e-ring on my left hand.

  • [QUOTE]<strong>If someone asks why, I might just say, "oh, it's a long story, but it's more comfortable on my right hand" </strong>or "My FI is European, so we're following that tradition." A lot of women wear their e-ring on the right hand once they get married anyway. I wouldn't say anything about it at the wedding.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    That's good advice. You don't have to tell them the whole truth if you're not comfortable doing so, although if you're not honestly following the European tradition I wouldn't mention that as your reason.

    And as mery and others have suggested, I wouldn't mention it at the wedding.
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