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Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything


Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything : I have no secrets. I'll tell anybody anything which is why I have nothing for KPS. <strong>For anyone who has a e-reader: do you read it in the bathtub?</strong>
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    I do. And H catches me and I get in trouble lol
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]question for everyone- what do you think of the name evelyn? I am not allowed to actually use this name, because Mr. P won't let me cause he's a jerk, but I'm still trying to defend my position on this.
    Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]

    I actually dont mind it, eventhough it sounds like an old lady, but the NN "Evie" is cute.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Rosie -- Are you coming to the DC GTG?! Any Knottie who runs -- do you have shoes you recommend? I'm getting new running shoes this weekend and I haven't bought a pair in over 10 years.
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]

    I have a pair of Brooks, but only because they worked with my gait and stuff. I was measured/observed at a running store, they brought out 3 pairs for me to try, and those were the ones I bought.

    [QUOTE]I am pretty open here with you guys. I have told you all about getting the Essure but not many people know about it IRL.
    Posted by scottswife1106[/QUOTE]

    Did you do it yet? Or decide to do the essure?
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d77f1710-40b0-43a0-aead-60ea684ab642Post:c5a75fca-1fd7-42b5-a10b-40a2b3fecf97">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Rosie -- I love your sigpic. Where were you guys? (And I hope you can come!) Anna -- What is your favorite thing about DC?
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]

    We were at Ocean City! I took the picture myself with my long assss arms and was quite proud!
  • My favorite rides are the ones where you free fall and get the funny feeling in your stomach. I've been to Disney before where I spent the whole day just riding Tower or Terror over and over again.

    I think eggs are gross in general, but I don't think it's especially gross or weird to have hard boiled eggs on a salad.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE] Everyone:  What's your favorite type of ride (or rides) at an amusement park?  I'm talking the standard, year round in place type, not the traveling ones.
    Posted by missy68[/QUOTE]

    Roller coasters all the way. The taller and steeper the drop, the better.

    I can't ride things that spin--they make me sick
  • I rarely take baths.  When I do, I don't read because I've ruined books in the past. 

    I like egg salad sandwiches.  H does not and has banned mayonnaise from our refrigerator (he has a weird hatred of it), so I haven't had an egg salad sandwich since we got married.
  • edited April 2011
    I read on my iPod occasionally in the tub. Before I get out, though, I toss it towards the dirty clothes pile so it lands softly and is far away from where I'm going to get out and drip/dry off.
    Normally I have a regular book going and a book on the iPod, so I can choose either one.

    ETA: as far as eggs go, I like the yolks. I don't like the way the whites feel in my mouth. deviled eggs, I eat the filling; my brother will eat the whites. I do like egg salad; I just grind up the whites pretty fine (and occasionally put potato chips on the sandwich). If I order a chef salad from Cracker Barrel, I ask them to hold the lettuce and sometimes get an extra egg, and only mix in the yellows with the "stuff" part of the salad. Lettuce and I are not friends.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • I love the Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland.  It just goes up and down but seriously straight down on this MASSIVE hill.  It is so smooth and fantastically fun.  I love rides, but after going on that one, I was spoiled and started to dislike the standard upside down ones because they bang my head around between the shoulder bars.  The behemoth only has a lap disk to keep you in.
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  • cfas--I think you asked about running shoes initially and are in DC.  I would go to City Sports to have someone look at your feet and stride.  I used to work at a Boston City Sports and am a fan.  I like Brooks shoes a lot.  I have run in the Glycerins and the Infinitis (plus a lightweight model that I think is discontinued and their trail shoe), but I know people with overpronation issues rave about the Adrenaline.  I think Brooks are well-made, good cushioning system, and somewhat eco-friendly. 

    I am hoping that my current pair of Infinits will help me get out of this no-running rut I've been in for too long. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]This is for everyone.....Do you tell more of your secrets here on TK or in real life?
    Posted by scottswife1106[/QUOTE]

    Real life. Secrets are why I have close girlfriends. If I shared them on the interwebs they would no longer be so secret.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d77f1710-40b0-43a0-aead-60ea684ab642Post:1a545d23-ec27-42a6-b7e4-8110393f1bd8">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything : We find out in 27 days!  (Not that I'm counting... lol)  I always hate saying a preference because I'll feel guilty if I'm wrong, but I'd LOVE a little girl.  My relationship with my mom is so awesome and I think it'd be great to have that someday with my own daughter. 
    Posted by RobotLegs[/QUOTE]

    I know how you feel. When I had my son, I DID NOT want a boy. But after I had my daughter, 10 years later, I realized that the Lord knew exactly what He was doing with that plan. Girls can break the BANK!

    I also get what you are saying about the relationship part. My mom and I are really close. Whereas my aunt, who has 2 boys, wishes for that type of relationship.
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  • cfas--I think you asked about running shoes initially and are in DC.  I would go to City Sports to have someone look at your feet and stride.  I used to work at a Boston City Sports and am a fan.  I like Brooks shoes a lot.  I have run in the Glycerins and the Infinitis (plus a lightweight model that I think is discontinued and their trail shoe), but I know people with overpronation issues rave about the Adrenaline.  I think Brooks are well-made, good cushioning system, and somewhat eco-friendly. 

    I am hoping that my current pair of Infinits will help me get out of this no-running rut I've been in for too long. 

    Also--you shouldn't have to break in running shoes. 
  • I do not take baths.

    I like roller coasters.

    I share here most of what I would share IRL, too. I'm fairly open. Not with everything, but with a lot of things.

    I love hard boiled egg on salad.

    Evelyn is okay. It's popular now, so not old-ladyish, but I wouldn't use it because it's not my favorite.
    my read shelf:
    Meredith's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)

  • LDY why don't you like ricotta cheeeeeeseeeeee???
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d77f1710-40b0-43a0-aead-60ea684ab642Post:c909e096-1d01-43f5-b91a-72a7a81bae1d">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]I do not really have many secrets and have not spilled much of anything here, but I can understand how I might want some opinions from people here rather than IRL. I have tried to read my kindle in the bathtub but I am a horrible bath person, I get the water everywhere and no matter what my hands are always wet. I usually give a big "hhrumph" and stomp out of the tub. I hate baths. I just bought some Nike Airs, and they are pretty crappy so far. I probably just have to break them in but they hurt my feet! :( <strong>All knotties- Do you like boiled egg on your salads? I love it but some people have never heard of it or think its sick.
    </strong>Posted by ahhhitsshannyn[/QUOTE]

    I hate any kind of egg. Ew.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Everyone:  What's your favorite type of ride (or rides) at an amusement park?
    Posted by missy68[/QUOTE]

    I have a thing for simulators. Spiderman at Islands of Adventure is great. I can't do rollercoasters so thats about as close as I can get. I love it.
  • I also like the name Evelyn.  I had a friend in high school with that name and don't know any old ladies with it, so I don't associate it with old women.

    As far as hard-boiled egg on salads, that's pretty much the only topping I have on my salad other than dressing.  Whenever I make salad at home, it is lettuce, egg, and ranch dressing.


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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything : I have no secrets. I'll tell anybody anything which is why I have nothing for KPS. <strong>For anyone who has a e-reader: do you read it in the bathtub?</strong>
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    I have a nook and I take it in the tub all the time.  I wish they made a water-proof shell so I wouldn't feel so paranoid about getting it wet.

    Anna, what do you like most about working/living in D.C.?

    Fischy, what's your favorite flavor of margarita?
    White Knot Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I seriously love roller coasters. Like whoa.

    I LOVE Evie. Love. But I'm not crazy about Evelyn. Sorry Manda :(

    ::::TOTAL ATTENTION WHOARING:::: I JUST got a call that I got into the musical theatre program that I applied to! Yay! But, when Fi comes home this weekend, we'll have to make a big pros and cons list and figure out if I actually want to do more school (While he is in med school), or is I want to decline the offer and work/ get real life practical experience. Siiigh.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d77f1710-40b0-43a0-aead-60ea684ab642Post:af54575e-19bf-4317-8287-68af0d4bb7cb">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why do people (newbs mainly) phrase the subject lines of their posts like the Hamlet soliloquy? WTF IS that?
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    Oh Jesus, this. It may have been answered already, but man, I hate this so much.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d77f1710-40b0-43a0-aead-60ea684ab642Post:6b0e5cd6-39dc-4a07-9b16-cf311ffb156f">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]H does not and has banned mayonnaise from our refrigerator (he has a weird hatred of it), so I haven't had an egg salad sandwich since we got married.
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]

    This would possibly be grounds for divorce.  I <em>love</em> mayo and I don't care if you don't like it, but you will NOT stop me from having it, haha.
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  • Water rides. I used to love all things roller coaster but now I get so scared when I look at them I am too chicken to get on. I do not know what happened.
  • Adamar, where is your username from?  And I ask only because I'm a Star Wars geek and your name is one letter different from a planet in my favorite book, so I ALWAYS notice it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE] All knotties- Do you like boiled egg on your salads? I love it but some people have never heard of it or think its sick.
    Posted by ahhhitsshannyn[/QUOTE]

    I don't do boiled eggs in general but ESPECIALLY not on my salad. Groooooss.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d77f1710-40b0-43a0-aead-60ea684ab642Post:b08ff851-812c-4520-ab88-bb9c123eaf67">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything : I have a pair of Brooks, but only because they worked with my gait and stuff. I was measured/observed at a running store, they brought out 3 pairs for me to try, and those were the ones I bought. <strong>Did you do it yet? Or decide to do the essure?
    </strong>Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    I did it. I was pretty excited about it until I read a blog yesterday where women were saying that they had it for 2 years and then got PRGENANT! <img src="" border="0" alt="Surprised" title="Surprised" /><img src="" border="0" alt="Yell" title="Yell" />
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  • I like eggs on my salad, and I like egg salad sandwiches.

    Mica, my H hates mayo too. He gets so angry when he asks for "no mayo" on sandwiches and they make it with mayo anyway. I have some Miracle Whip in the fridge anyway. He deals with it, but makes faces when I have to use it for any reason.

  • Rollercoaters!! I don't like the ones that go upside down, but all other rollercoaters are the best. Right now my favorite is Everest in Disney. Oh, anna, I hear you on Tower of Terror. I actually hate free-fall rides, but something about ToT is so distinctively awesome.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stealing from SB- Ask a Knottie Anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]LDY why don't you like ricotta cheeeeeeseeeeee???
    Posted by pinkpinot[/QUOTE]

    Hahaha I can't believe you remember that! Texture. Purely texture!
  • Meg, I said earlier I like DC because I can walk places. I like working here because I actually have a job I guess. And because I see famous people (if politicians count) a lot.

    I have a question for you: do you work in a library? What do you do? I want to get my MLS and my dream job is to work in a university library doing archives and special collections.
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