Wedding Etiquette Forum

** Alix **

I saw your post the other day about Twilight Fan-fictions; and I read the one you had posted.  I was wondering if you could recommend some others (any length).... I was searching the site but keep coming across crappy ones.
Thank you : )

Re: ** Alix **

  • Sure :)

    This is the list of ones I have tagged as favourites (I haven't read them all yet but some of them are awesome).

    (sorry it won't let me make it clicky for some reason...)

    My favourite is Clipped Wings & Inked Armor (it's a bit... adult... but that's not unusual in the fan-fics).

    Other great ones are:
     - Art After 5
     - Creature of Habit
     - A Murmur of Fire in the Vein (Bella&Jasper)
     - Faking It
     - Anything But Conventional
     - Tropic of Virgo
     - Scotch, Gin & the New Girl
     - An Untitled Continuation of the Twilight Saga
     - Colliding Meteors (Bella&Jasper)

    They're all linked under my favourite stories.

  • And I just finiished this one - The Best Man - like five minutes ago and I'll add it to the above list, it was fantastic.
  • Man, I haven't read fanfic since I was reading Hanson fanfic.  "Tulsa 74132", anyone?  OMG, we were ridiculous.
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  • I love Twilight fan-fics. Mainly because, while none of them cna hit the story perfectly, most of them are infinitely better written than the original saga - andplus, don't have the deathly irritating Twilight fade-to-black.
  • Thank you so much!  I just converted them into PDFs for my Kindle.  Now, I have something to read and obsess over again!
  • Does Twilight fanfic always stick to the premise of the book?  Like, are the characters that were vampires in the book always vampires in fanfic?
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  • Nope, most of them don't. They borrow the characters but there are variations on all-human or human-vampire, canon and non-canon pairings (couples from the original series etc.)...

    The one I cited as being my fave, for example, is all human and Edward is a tattoo artist and he's all tatted and pierced and doing a back piece for Bella when they meet. It's sexy hot ;)
  • Awesome Bellini - let me know what you think and which ones you read!
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