Wedding Etiquette Forum

Inner and Outer Envelopes?

I have pocket invites and they only came with outer envelopes. I like the idea of inner and outer so I was going to use a cardstock "tab" about the size of a business card, to seal the pocket flap and on that write the inner address.

My real question is how do I address them? I always thought on the outer envelope it was formal...Mr. and Mrs. Johnathon Smith, and then on the inside it was informal...John and Jane, or John and Guest, etc.  Why did I think this? Apparently you don't use first names at all on the inner envelope. What is the "right" way. Not that I'm too concerned because I already broke the cardianl rule of putting adult reception on my enclosure card. It was an arguement with my fiance that I lost.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Re: Inner and Outer Envelopes?

  • The way you address the outer and inner envelopes has to do with the formality of your event.  You don't mix the formality between the two envelopes.

    If you're inviting a married couple and you were going to address them as Mr. and Mrs. John Smith on the outer.  Then on the inner you'd address the envelope as Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

    For any questions, just go to Crane's.
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