Wedding Etiquette Forum

Thank You cards--maybe a stupid question

Our wedding is at the end of August and we've already got some "no" responses...some accompanies by gifts, some not. Obviously we will be writing thank you cards to the people who can't come but still gave gifts...but should we write formal thank you cards to those who aren't coming and haven't given gifts? Or is a call/email saying "sorry you can't come" etc. okay?

Re: Thank You cards--maybe a stupid question

  • If they do not attend and do not send a gift, there is no need for a thank you. A simple "we missed seeing you, sorry you could not make it" the next time you see them should suffice.
  • I would only send a thank you note if they sent a present
  • Sending a thank you card to those who decline and don't send a gift is not necessary. What exactly would you be thanking them for?
    **i'm a little drunk on you and high on summertime** Photobucket
  • You're not obligated to add any more to the exchange now that they have RSVPd.  You're going to be pretty busy so there's no need to send an email saying you're sorry they can't make it.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • I would only send a thank you card if they got you something. You have nothing to thank them for except not coming to your wedding
    RSVP: AUGUST 18,2010 image 256 Are Invited image 191 Are ready to Party!
    image 65 Will be missing out image 0 Where Are you? We can't wait Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:daa37419-bb9c-4784-94be-638563d6fb34Post:38756381-cfb7-464d-953d-fdcb880a7c5e">Re: Thank You cards--maybe a stupid question</a>:
    [QUOTE]  What exactly would you be thanking them for?

    my thoughts exactly.

    depending on how close you are to the guest, a text, email, fb message, etc to say they will be missed but you understand. might be nice, but not nessesary.

    besides, some people may rsvp no now, then send a gift later. you would have to send another card...
    10-10 siggy favorite summer picture Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Thank You cards--maybe a stupid question</a>:
    [QUOTE]What exactly would you be thanking them for?
    Posted by twilight.rose[/QUOTE]

    oh, I agree...but there are so many ins and outs of wedding etiquette and I don't want to piss someone off for not sending a thank you card that would take me all of 2 minutes to write...
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