We sent our save the dates out in late October for our June 2012 wedding. Over time friendships have changed to the point where I no longer want to invite certain friends to our big day. I know that sounds cruel and mean but there is a back story that I will not go into. Needless to say my engagement has got in the way of some friendships where there has been a lot of talking behind my back and I just don't want people there who I thought were my friends as I don't feel they were ever happy for me in the first place. I understand people will not jump up and down at my engagement but to say things like my ring is way too big and certain friends were mad because I've been with my boyfriend for less tim ethan them so they should be the ones getting a ring really hurt my feelings and pissed me off. I would love to know your thoughts...good, bad, or indifferent. thank you!