Wedding Etiquette Forum

Evening ladies!

What is everyone up to? Yes I'm still here. No baby yet. DH was kinda disappointed that they didn't check anything other than the heartbeat today. He wanted to see if I was any farther progressed than last week. Have an appointment scheduled for next week that I hopefully won't need but we will see.
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Re: Evening ladies!

  • Hiya! We went to visit the baby today and on the way, we ran into a rental house that looks perfect for us. It's like 3 min from the baby's parents, it has a garage and a back patio, so at the very least, I could have a good container garden. It's for sale (or it was?) for $98,500, so I'm hoping the rent will be something under $800. I hope! I'm hoping the relator will call me back tomorrow about it. I'm almost ready to take it sight unseen since it's a rental and not buy.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Hey Ciara! I remember my sister going in for appointments right before she had my niece and I asked if she was dilated or anything yet and she'd say they didn't check. That's crazy to me. 
  • evening ladies... I'm relaxing on the couch tonight with a tired puppy.  FI is at bowling so I've got the house to myself!
  • ::watermelon in Ciara's belly dance::

    How ya feelin?

    I'm in the process of making some delicious Spanish rice for H. I dont eat it, but he loves it. He passed out when he got home, so it's going to be a great surprise in his lunch tomorrow =)
  • Ciara I was just thinking about you!  I hadn't seen any posts from you in a while so I thought maybe Edmund had decided to make his grand entrance.

    I'm going to be headed to bed soon.  I got home from a friend's son's birthday party at 10:00 last night and got online to unwind from the drive.  It was practically midnight when I realized it was so I was really dragging this morning.

    I can't wait until Friday.  I'm flying to NC after work for the weekend.  I miss my nephew like crazy and can't wait to see him.  He's 17 months and this is the longest I've gone since he's been born without seeing him (last saw him at Christmas).
  • They checked last week but not this week. DH really had hoped he would check me again.

    There is a 5% chance of him being born on his actual due date, which is tomorrow. So I'm really hoping I don't have to use the appointment next week.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Evening ladies!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm flying to NC after work for the weekend.  I miss my nephew like crazy and can't wait to see him.  He's 17 months and this is the longest I've gone since he's been born without seeing him (last saw him at Christmas).
    Posted by strlzfan11[/QUOTE]

    <div>Where at in NC?</div>
  • Every practice is different, I've noticed.  My sister's progress was checked starting at 37 weeks, but a friend of mine's doctor said they wouldn't check until 38 weeks.  Did you consider asking them to strip your membranes when they checked you last?

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:dffa1139-0d64-4854-8cee-44826ce15466Post:f63a5dda-01e6-4d48-a3c1-0821ca3e1df5">Re: Evening ladies!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Evening ladies! : Where at in NC?
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    Raleigh.  Luckily they didn't get hit by the tornado.
  • No I didn't. The lady I had at 36 weeks checked and then I wasn't checked again until last week which was 39. This was my 40 week appointment and nothing. It's all good I'm just ready to be done and have him here.
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  • Tell him to wait a day.  April 19th isn't a good day
  • I don't blame you one bit at all.  The less poking and prodding that they need to do, the better.
  • April 20th isn't a good day either. I'd much rather my son not share a birthday with hitler.
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  • Umm, come to the other thread.  Ciara, I bet they didn't check you so that you didn't freak out either way.  If they said you were dilated but not enough to admit you, you might insist on being admitted.  If they said you weren't at all dilated, you might freak out and wonder why.  So if they don't check you and just check the heartbeat, you can't freak out.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I know, Oklahoma City was 4/19, Hitler and Columbine the 20th

    Cross your legs until the 21st, okay?
  • Hello!
    I bet you are so ready for him to get here already!
    Today I went to the doctor and ever since then I have been in a pretty bad mood.
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    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • Ciara,

    funny, today I got a invitation to an affair to benefit "Smile Train" and I thought of you.  The photos they showed were amazing, before and after, unbelievable!
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