Wedding Etiquette Forum

Oh hai!


Re: Oh hai!

  • What the hell guys  I was on ALL DAY and it was a ghost town, and I leave and whit posts this?! wtf americans, wtf.
  • sorry Nebb.... I got home as soon as I could.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Hi, cew, Nebb, and lynda!! Happy turkey day, but not to you nebb unless you want to hop the border and enjoy some Southern cooking.

    Capri, of COURSE not! It's going to be a fab gtg, I'm sure.
  • I would LOVE some southern cooking, but I think by the time I get there you will already be in bed!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Oh hai!</a>:
    [QUOTE]What the hell guys  I was on ALL DAY and it was a ghost town, and I leave and whit posts this?! wtf americans, wtf.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    I laughed out loud at this.  Nebbbbbb!!!!!
  • Meh, I'm pumping myself up for an all=nighter to hit the stores at 4am, maybe. I'm trying to convince someone else to come with :)

  • Hai!  I just finished cleaning up after our delicious Thanksgiving dinner.  Now, we're halfway through the 2nd Lord of the Rings.  In my enebriated state yesterday I may have agreed that watching all 3 every Thanksgiving could be one of our traditions.  Thankfully (hehe), we have plenty of wine.
  • Hi prettty julez :)

  • Did you do dinner with your FI or just your family? 
  • FI and the family, he did his family thing last night but I wasn't able to make it, so he joined me and my extended family today after hunting this morning. I wanted to kill him though, he showed up in his hunting boots and a t-shirt, and we were all dressed so nicely. Rawr.
  • Hehe.  Boys don't get the whole holiday dress up thing.

    I had to insist that Christian get in the shower and change out of his PJs like 30 minutes before dinner.  Even if it's just us, it didn't seem right to eat Thanksgiving in our jammies.

    Where are you going to go for your 4am shopping spree?
  • No, for me Thanksgiving and Christmas require a little more formality than dirty hunting boots and PJs :)

    Just our local mall, I have to be at work at 10 so I'm going to be there to at least get some $2 towels to go with the ones I got from a shower before we pushed the date back. We don't have a lot of stores, but there should be some good sales.
  • I don't know that we're going to do any major shopping tomorrow.  I would like to get some new stockings and a couple other things for the apt.  I'm gonna get up early though and change my name on my driver license -- ooo, exiciting, I know! 
  • Wild thang!
  • I would love going black friday shopping with you whit, im great in crowds. I weave really well and duck through gaps to get where I need to go faster than normal people. I also have super human upper body strength. We are gonna try to score some deals online if we can, since its the only way we can.
  • I really wish that  somehow I could get rid of the intense hatred I have for lines, crowds, and the majority of humanity because I'd really like to go buy Rock Band tomorrow. Oh well.
  • cew just think "what would nebb do", the answer would be "punch those motherfuckers out".
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Oh hai!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I really wish that  somehow I could get rid of the intense hatred I have for lines, crowds, and the majority of humanity because I'd really like to go buy Rock Band tomorrow. Oh well.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    Replace "Rock Band" with clothes, shoes, and anything other than Rock Band in that sentence and I'll ditto that.
  • I prefer the "kick them in the box" tactic. Would Nebb do that?
  • bbyckesbbyckes member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited November 2009
    Cew, I want to buy Rock Band too.  Oh well.  I may take a trip to Old Navy or JC Penney to check out the pj's.  FI and I will also stop by Lowes to see if we can get a deal on a storm door, but for the most part that's it.
  • Haha ladies. I've NEVER had the desire to go, but for some reason I do this year! I don't know what's come over me.
  • I pretty much employ whatever tactics necessary. The death stare, elbows, shoulders, ducking underneath people and laughing at them, kicking them in their achilles, whatever works. Im scrappy when there are deals at stake.

    I just almost wrote it as steak.
  • Steak is another story. I'll cut a bitch for a good piece of meat.
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