Wedding Etiquette Forum

Cruise Advice

FI's family is taking us on our first cruise over Christmas.  None of us have been on a cruise before, and I guess I'm looking for advice on how to make the most of it.  It's Carnival if that matters.

Re: Cruise Advice

  • Do you know how you do with sea sickness?  If you have time you might want to call your doctor to get a perscription for the patches you put behind your ear just to be safe.  My first cruise I got sick even on dramamine, our second cruise I used the patch and felt wonderful the entire time.  If you get dramamine get non drowsy. 

    Secondly, rooms are small so pack light. 

    Thirdly, enjoy all of the shows, they're a lot of fun.
  • Bring hand sanitizer.  When you eat at the buffets, you will be using the same spoons as everyone to "help yourself."  Also, the silverware will be in little buckets at the end of the buffet.  Everyone's hands will be grabbing the silverware.

    FYI I have never been on a cruise before, but my older friend in my writing group was a captain for 20+ years for Carnival and this is the first advice that he gave me and H :)

    We are going on a Carnival Cruise in February (Splendor).
  • Don't fall overboard.
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • That's the beauty of cruises: you don't have to do anything. Just get on the boat and you'll have a good time.  Shore excursions were a waste of time and money, IMO. I'm sure some people love them, but I was totally content to sit on the boat and drink and eat and gamble in the casino.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Cruise Advice</a>:
    [QUOTE]Do you know how you do with sea sickness?  If you have time you might want to call your doctor to get a perscription for the patches you put behind your ear just to be safe.  My first cruise I got sick even on dramamine, our second cruise I used the patch and felt wonderful the entire time.  If you get dramamine get non drowsy.  Secondly, rooms are small so pack light.  Thirdly, enjoy all of the shows, they're a lot of fun.
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    I'm not sure on the sea sickness.   I've been out on the ocean for short periods of time to snorkel and such with no trouble.  Would it be the same?
  • Thanks Salty, I hadn't thought of that. 

    Lauren, that's kinda what I was thinking.  I don't know if I'll be able to stay on the boat for fear I'd miss something.  I'll have to do some research on the ports.
  • I hardly ever get motion sickness and I spent a good portion of my childhood on boats (my dad's a boat captain) but I still got nauseous on my cruise.  Only at dinner time when I could feel the boat swaying while I was trying to eat. Definitely bring some sort of seasickness med, just in case.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I've never had a problem in water or on small boats, but for some reason I had issues on the cruise ship.  How long is the cruise?  Dramamine works for most people so I would just invest in some of that to be safe.  Like I said, non-drowsy and if you start to feel bad then take it.  Buy it before you get on the boat because on the boat it's pretty expensive. 

    Also, most cruises have a formal night.  Just know that some people get SUPER dressed up, but you don't necessarily have to.  But it's always a good excuse to pull out something fancy if you have it and take pictures at all the picture areas.  (you don't have to buy them unless you want to)  But I jsut enjoy dressing fancy because it isn't often you get to do it. 

  • Stack, getting way too dressed up for dinner was my favorite part of the whole cruise I think.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • OH - and in the big dining hall eat wiht your back to the window.  Something about eating while looking out at moving water that doesn't sit well. 
  • Hmmm, maybe sea sickness will be a problem then.  I'll get some dramamine, just in case.  How dressed up did you get for dinner?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Cruise Advice</a>:
    [QUOTE]Stack, getting way too dressed up for dinner was my favorite part of the whole cruise I think.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    I was so mad I had this black dress I waited ALL year to wear on the cruise and forget my flipping shoes and had to wear black flip flops with it.  I was going to wear my shoes from the wedding since the cruise was one part of our honeymoon.  oh well.  Next time. 
  • Here's pics of me on formal night on the cruises I've been on, but people get WAY fancier then this.  Like prom dress fancy sometimes. 

  • Thanks Stack.  You're black dress is cute! 
  • Wait, OP, I take that back. I did get off the boat, I just hung out in a bar close to the dock. I didn't do any shore excursions, but I did actually get off the boat and shop and drink.  Seeing the ports was cool the first time, but then I went on another cruise and was like, "nope, I've seen every bar in Cozumel, I'll stay on the boat, thanks." I also went on two cruises that had the same ports.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Where are you going?

    The other ladies have good advice about the motion sickness, although I will say it has never bothered me in the least on the cruises we have been on.

    Bring an alarm clock or make sure you have your phone on airplane mode so you don't get charged. If you are in an inside room, you will have no sense of time.

    Also, plugs are very limited, we brought an extra plug in mount to be able to plug in phones, cameras, and that sort of thing.

    Excursions are overrated, but make sure you go out and explore the ports, or do a beach break type excursion because the places that they bring you to are pretty beautiful.

    And yes, bring hand sanitizer, and keep it with you at all times.
  • Mags-I'm not sure where we're going, FI said the Bahamas and Turks.  Glad to hear you haven't had problems with motion sickness, I really don't want to have to deal with it.  Good advice about the plug-ins and alarm clock, I never would have thought of that!
  • Ditto on bringing hand sanitizer.  Also bring bottled water if possibe, and get the staff to empty the mini fridge to put it in.  Shore excursions can be expensive if you get them through the ship.  Do some research to find some independant tours to save money. 

    andplusalso- have you checked out  The site is super helpful in learing a bit about the ship you go on before you cruise.  Plus they have reviews of other cruisers. 
  • If you're worried about getting sea sick, bring ginger pills.  You can take a good bit of them and don't have to worry about the side effects of regular medicine.  Works like a charm.

    I also second  Their message boards are a great help!
  • Pack boots.

    I packed two pairs of boots for my last cruise and each had a bottle of booze tucked inside. We bought a total of 4 paid drinks the entire weekend, and just "touched" up our drinks every once in a while using a flask. It probably saved me hundreds of dollars.

    And don't go onshore and shop in the little markets if you take a rum cruise first. You wake up with baskets and Coach knock-offs and have no idea how or why.
  • Third on! You should go to the ports of call boards to do your research. I spent like 4 hours last night just researching Key West.

     Also, they have sea sick medicine at the pursers desk.

    Ships are a cash free thing. You will put all of your purchases on you 'sign and sail account". Most people pay it off at the end of the cruise, but you can pay it off any time. You can check your balance on the tv. Be careful, it can really sneak up on you!

    Remember that you're on vacation and have a good time! Also, a lot of people don't know this, but the ship is under NO obligation to take you to the ports. If there is something wrong with the ship, bad weather, anything, they can miss the port. You (or whoever is paying) will be refunded your port fees. A lot of people get EXTREMELY upset. There was even a mini riot a few years ago because they had to miss a port due to weather. Just think of it as another fun day at sea! Over all, just be nice. Some of the buffet lines will be long. Don't get impatient, where else would you be? Some people are going to be rude, cutting in line, not being nice to the staff, etc. Don't be one of these people and don't let these people effect your vacation! These are all really good things that I've learned from CC.

    When you go into ports, be sure your watch/phone is set to ship time. It is often different than island time and the ship will leave you behind if you're not back in time.

    If you go on any self excursions using taxis, always set the fare before he takes off. They aren't metered down there.

    I can't think of anymore right now, but I'll post back if I do!
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Bec, much better advice than I gave. Have you seen these?
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Thanks everyone for the cruise critic rec.  LVB- Thanks for the line advice, hopefully no one gets too frustrated.
  • And don't go onshore and shop in the little markets if you take a rum cruise first. You wake up with baskets and Coach knock-offs and have no idea how or why.

    Bec is wise.  In my case, it was a real Kate Spade clutch that I really couldn't afford at the time (especially on top of the $400 bar bill for the week - listen to Bec about the flask as well).  I never had issues with seasickness though.
  • The only time I've ever gotten sea sick was on a cruise to alaska through 20+ seas.  The crew was seasick.  We cruised the Caribbean through a hurricane (and had all the wrong ports), and the water was smooth.

    The bar bill can get outrageous for sure.  Sneak some in if you can, but if you moderate your drinking you'll be ok too. 

    Sunscreen.  Take it with you.  You CAN get burnt this time of year, and it will be $42/bottle in some of the ports.

    The "straw market" in the Bahamas is a tourist trap to be avoided.  I have no clue about Turks.  If you find out your other ports, let us know & people can tell you what they've done there. 
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
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