Wedding Etiquette Forum

Who to invite from work

I started at a new company about 3 months after I got engaged. I love the place I work, but I am not sure what the etiquette is for inviting co-workers or higher ups. Please help!!!!

Re: Who to invite from work

  • Do you interact with any of your co-workers outside of work?  I only invited a couple people that I saw outside of work, and I had been there for 3 years at that point.  I did not invite my boss.
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  • annakb8annakb8 member
    edited January 2012
    There is no etiquette for this really. I invited no one from work, neither did my H.
  • It's not an all-or-nothing situation; just make sure if you're not inviting EVERYONE to keep wedding talk to a minimum.  And if you do invite any co-workers their invitations should go to their homes and their spouses should be invited.

    We invited a handful of coworkers each, who we actually socialize with outside of work.  We also each invited our immediate supervisors - because we like them and wanted them to be there and figured sucking up a little couldn't hurt ;-)
  • I'm only inviting one person from work and that's only because we're really close friends IRL. Don't feel obligated to invite people just because you work together. However, as PP said, if you are going to invite some people from work, but not others,  make sure to keep wedding talk to a minimum in the office.
  • I will have been with my company 3.5 years by the time we get married. We're debating between inviting no one, and inviting three people (plus their spouses). We'll make the decision closer to when we send out invites.

    You don't HAVE to invite anyone. But it's nice to include those that you socialize with outside of the wedding. Just don't talk about the wedding with anyone who isn't invited.
  • FI is only inviting his supervisor and his supervisor's daughter/his coworker from work with their spouses.
    I am inviting my unit and two other coworkers who I hang out with outside of work (with SOs).

    I would just invite who you are close to (with their SOs).


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  • I wouldn't invite anybody from work unless you are good friends and enjoy their company.
  • So to piggy back on this question, I am a teacher who has worked with the same paraprofessional for 6 years--she asks for updates all the time for my plans, but we never socialize outside of work---thoughts??
  • I have people from work that keep saying " I better be invited"... And i know they mean it jokingly ... I am close with 2 of the girls so I'm on the fence about it .. I do hang out with them though outside work as schedules permit...
    It just depends on how much you talk to them outside work etc...
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