Wedding Etiquette Forum

XP Calling all Sped (esp autism/ lifeskills) teachers!

I need to write a power point want makes a great 6th form (grades 11 and 12) autism provision.  Any suggestions of where to look for great examples or set ups?
Perhaps life-skills curriculums.  

Websites of schools I know have good ones in London don't have details. 
Job and life skills very important as well inclusion/ bringing in typically developing students into classes at times.  

I have two (!) interviews next week if I don't get the first job that is, in England you generally hear the night of the interview if you get the job. 
And my wedding is in three weeks!  Plus I live in a different country to my wedding.  I am freaking out guys, a lot. It started today.  

Thanks SO much.  

EDT:  WOW.  I didn't read that first, sorry.

Re: XP Calling all Sped (esp autism/ lifeskills) teachers!

  • I really like the teach method:

    Hope this helps!!!
    Please let me know how the interview goes. GOOD LUCK!
  • I know teacch.  

    I guess I am looking for schools who have set up programs including life and job skills.  Going into the community, setting up a store in their classroom etc.  

    The area includes several class rooms, although there will never be more the 8 children.  
    There is a kitchen with 4 full stations and a washer.  There will be a large kitchen table so social skills while eating can be taught naturally.  

    There are places for work stations, social skills groups, the kids will go to as many other classes as possible, however the British school system is very different with A levels.  
  • Check your PMs - my email is there.  I am a licensed SpecEd Teacher.  I can scan you a bunch of stuff and send you files of things.  Also I can answer any questions that you may have!

    Good luck!  :)
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