Wedding Etiquette Forum

For those that used a DOC...

If you used a day of coordinator/wedding planner....worth it?  Why or why not?

I met with my caterer yesterday and he strongly recommended one....not for the reception so much as the ceremony.  He is not affiliated with any planning person or company but kept stressing how important it was to have someone else in charge of organization.

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Re: For those that used a DOC...

  • We had a DOC included with our venue.  It was REALLY nice to have someone else tell us where to go and what to do.  They've also done a billion weddings, so they knew the flow of things better than us.  They were in charge of getting everyone inside after the CH and for calling tables for the buffet. 

    For the ceremony it was more for the beginning...once it gets going, you don't really need anyone.

    Honestly, after directing shows and being worried about everyone and everything, it was nice to have someone do it for me.
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  • I definitely think my DOC was worth it. The awesome things she did for me included:

    - provided a bunch of vases so I didn't have to rent any for my centerpieces
    - assembled my centerpieces since I had bought those flowers in bulk
    - set up the entire ceremony and reception room (including aisle decorations, cake flowers, place card table), and coordinated with the venue to pick up her supplies a few days later, so DH and I had no clean up to do at the end of the night
    - coordinated with our vendors to make sure everyone was on the same page
    - brought the girls lunch so I wouldn't have an empty stomach before the wedding
    - provided me templates for our programs and menus
    - developed a timeline for the day
    - brought apps and drinks to us and the wedding party during cocktail hour photos
    - distributed all payments to our vendors

    I sincerely cannot say how helpful it was for her to be there. I didn't need to manage our wedding, I just had to enjoy it.
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  • My church had a coordinator. Plus the caterer and the venue manager at the reception place were very anal/efficient. So that was enough for me.

    Best part about the church coordinator--DH's grandma got lost and showed up 45 minutes late for the service. We started the wedding 15 minutes late b/c we were waiting for her. The coordinator made the call to wait on starting the service, then said "ok, long enough, we have to start" nice to have someone else making this decision.
  • I'm getting married the same day as you.

    I have a DOC because I want to be able to relax some and not have to think about every detail the day of. We've already met and she has tons of good information on other things as well so I think she is well worth it.
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