Wedding Etiquette Forum


Gah. It's so dead.

1. How early do you get up most days?

dos) What time do you go to bed?

c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?

Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.

BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?


  • 1. How early do you get up most days?  I try for 6:15, but it usually ends being 6:30ish.

    dos) What time do you go to bed?  Somewhere between 10:30 and 11:00.

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?  Um, I'd have to say the Duggars - they seem a little more positive.

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.  I got married on Saturday and it was sooo much fun!

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?  Because they taste damn good.
  • 1. How early do you get up most days? 7-7:30

    dos) What time do you go to bed? 12-12:30

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)? gosselins, but only kate I wouldnt want to be anywhere near jon.

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently. my husband was offered a comic job, his first real big one ever, first issue comes out in March and it looks incredible. I never see him anymore but its doing great things for his career.

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question? you should have named it uranus. ha-ha.
  • In Response to <a href="">WAKE UP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]1. How early do you get up most days?

     dos) What time do you go to bed?
    <strong>1or 2am</strong>

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?
    <strong>Ugh. Neither.</strong>

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.
    <strong>I'mliving in the same country as my husband!</strong>

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?
    <strong>Cause you want a Mars Bar?</strong>

    Posted by mwhitson14[/QUOTE]
  • Seriously, what the duck. This place is dead, not even funny DED, just D-E-A-D, dead.

    1. I get up at 6:45 most days
    2. 11-ish
    c. Neither
    One good thing that's happened has been... I'll get back to you.

    Bonus: Because men are from Mars, duh.
  • 1. 5fucking45 on weekdays, 7 on weekends

    dos) lately it has been by 9:30, but pretty much always before 11

    c. I'd rather live in a refrigerator box under the freeway overpass than live with either family

    Mars: my children cooked dinner and brought it to me in bed since I felt like warmed-over dog crap

    Bonus - no clue
  • week days 5:30
    Weekends about 8:30 or 9

    I would choose whoever has the highest rooftop, so I could throw myself off of it.

    I have no idea about Mars.

  • 1. How early do you get up most days? 
    Between 7:00 and 9:00 depending on how late I was doing homework

    dos) What time do you go to bed? 
    Last night it was 2:00 am

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)? 

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently. 
    Every invitation is officially out for good.

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?
    You were thinking about candy bars.

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  • 1. How early do you get up most days? 6am

    dos) What time do you go to bed? Anytime between 11pm and 2am

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)? I'd kill myself first.

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently. I got my new SS card yesterday

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question? Because Uranus was taken?
  • Good grief I am an idiot.
  • bbyckesbbyckes member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2009
    1. How early do you get up most days?
    I usually wake up around 6:30

    dos) What time do you go to bed?
    Around midnight.

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?
    Probably the Gosselins.  Both Kate and Jon probably wouldn't be around very much, so I wouldn't have to deal too much with them.

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.
    Life is just all around good.

    EDIT: Why did you choose Mars?
    It's the 4th planet farthest from the sun.
  • Haha. Mars bar was not even something I thought about.

    1. 6:00 or 6:30, depending on what I do to my hair.

    dos) 10:30, 11 at the latest unless I have to work at the hotel and then it's usually about 12

    c. I'd pick the Duggars, they seem more well-behaved.

    Mars. Nothing yet, but Wednesday and Thursday are going to be lovely.

    BONUS ROUND! Because Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun. :)
  • 1.  6:00

    dos.  10:30ish

    c.  Duggars.  At least they're nice to each other.

    Mars: I got a nice compliment at work today.

    And yeah, Mars is the 4th from the sun.
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  • Congrats, TiDa!

    1. How early do you get up most days?  between 6:30 and 6:40

    dos) What time do you go to bed?  usually between 10 and 11

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?  Neither, really

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.  I did not die on my way to work this morning.

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?  I'm not sure
  • 1. How early do you get up most days?
      I set my alarm for 7:30 but I usually wake up at 8
    dos) What time do you go to bed?
     Anywhere between 11 and 1 am. Occasionally 2 or 3 am
    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?
     The Duggars, I don't think I could put up with all the screaming wiht the Gosselins. And as long as they don't make me pray with them.
    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.
     My FI bought me a hat! :) I'm pretty happy about that. Other than that, I'm really happy that my dog is still off of his medication, and hes doing 1000x better. :D He doesn't need surgery! Yay!
    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?

    4th Planet from the sun.
    image Married and Junk.
  • GO CAPRI!! Do you want a present?

    Congrats Tida!

    Yay Nebb, is there any way we can see it without buying it? Any getting published online?
  • 1. How early do you get up most days? 5:20-5:30.  Yay commuting (and by yay, I mean boo)

    dos) What time do you go to bed? 10-10:30

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)? Gosselins if I had to pick.

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently. I own a house!

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?4th planet, definitely.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: WAKE UP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]GO CAPRI!! Do you want a present? Congrats Tida! Yay Nebb, is there any way we can see it without buying it? Any getting published online?
    Posted by mwhitson14[/QUOTE]
    I dont believe it will be, I know the preview book with the first four pages in it comes out this month but I dont knwo if its online or not. I know my husband still isnt really allowed to talk much about it until the project gets moving more but here are some banners that were made:
    <a href="#" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', '2237f6cd-567f-4bef-9a8d-fd4f4c307184', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>

    <a href="#" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', '1369b03c-dace-4b8a-b857-fb5f9264c197', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>
    Even if its not online, im pretty sure issues only cost like 5$ at regular old comic stores if they end up carrying it.
  • Nebb, next time I see Barnes and Noble, I'll look for it. I have no idea of any comic stores around here.

    Raynes and sara, y'all get up far too early. I haven't seen that early in a looong time.
  • It probably wouldnt be carried at a big place like that, they normally dont carry things until they become a trade paperback (which is a collection of a series of issues). This is a 4 issue project so its possible it could become a trade sometime down the road but its not a certainty. Im pretty certain I will be buying a crap load of them so i might send yo uone.
  •  1. How early do you get up most days?
    6:20 on weekdays, 7:30-8:00 on weekends

    dos) What time do you go to bed?
    Between 11:00 and midnight, although I'm usually pretty sleepy around ten.

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins
    The Gosselins because they have fewer kids. I get overwhelmed around too many kids.

    (8)? Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.
    My house was invated by P&E ladies on Saturday and it was lovely!

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?
    I missed the bonus round. :-(
  • I hates it.  Hates it I do.  The alarm goes off at 5:10, and I either snooze for 10 or 20 minutes.

    This morning I may have stayed in bed until almost 6.  I still left for work on time (7am) but as a consequence, my hair looks like dog poo.

    The traffic around here is realllly fickle.  It either takes me 30 minutes (very light traffic) or 60 minutes (crawling down the highway) to get to work, and there is no rhyme or reason as to which it will be on a given day, so, I plan for 60 minutes.

    Coming home is almost always an hour.

    BUT, I now own a fully detached house for a price that would only get me a bachelor condo in the city I work in!
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
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  • 1. How early do you get up most days? 6:40

    dos) What time do you go to bed? 11:30-12 most nights lately.

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?  The Duggars, DEFINITELY. I'd just ignore the religious stuff.

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.  I signed up for my last two classes for my Associate Degree.  I will be done in February!  But then it's on to my Bach.

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question?You already answered, but I had it right!
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  • raynes, that's awesome about owning  a house!

    Nebb, that would be great! It sucks living in a little city, I just don't have good access to stuff.
  • 1. How early do you get up most days?
          by 8:30

    dos) What time do you go to bed?
           around midnight if no insomnia

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?
             Neither - The raising Sextuplets family

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.
               I'm officially ready to get married

  • 1. How early do you get up most days? 7:15.

    dos) What time do you go to bed? Midnightish.

    c. If you had to pick a family to go live with, would it be the duggars (19 kids) or the gosselins (8)?  Now that Jon is out of there, the Gosselins. The Duggers would make me wear long skirts and get a perm.

    Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.  Our paperwork is almost done for our marriage license app!

    BONUS ROUND! Why did I choose Mars for the 4th question? Someone already got it right.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: WAKE UP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]1.Mars: Tell me one good thing that's happened recently.  Our paperwork is almost done for our marriage license app!
    Posted by salt78[/QUOTE]

    yay!  it's so exciting
  • Yay Salt!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e547871b-143f-493f-b570-6553369cf1acPost:d98f68d4-b3d0-4686-8c86-53ed7580ec1a">Re: WAKE UP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Raynes and sara, y'all get up far too early. I haven't seen that early in a looong time.
    Posted by mwhitson14[/QUOTE]
    I agree wholeheartedly. The alarm goes off at 5:20, and I snooze for 20 minutes. I need to be out the door by 6:42 at the latest, so I can get my girls to the bus stop on time. The bus won't come into our subdivision, and we live 7 minutes (if the roads are dry) away from the gatehouse.
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