Wedding Etiquette Forum

NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant

Does anybody else here seem to attract strangers who like to come up to you and give "constructive advice?"  I was just pulling into my apartment when this old woman behind me stopped her car and waited for me to get out.  Then she looks at me and says, "You really need to learn the courtesy of a complete stop - you could have an accident."  I stared at her like, "WTF" largely because there's no stop sign... or any other place where I'm supposed to stop by law coming into my apartment complex.  Maybe she's senile and thinks there's a stop sign where there's not one?  Very confused.  And sort of irritated.  I'm not a child.  End rant.
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Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant

  • Yeah! I get what you're saying. I really like the way you make a failure on your part into a rant worthy thing. You were un safe. As for being a child or not.... Now your kicking your feet over what a woman said to you. Cry
  • Errr... 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah! I get what you're saying. I really like the way you make a failure on your part into a rant worthy thing. You were un safe. As for being a child or not.... Now your kicking your feet over what a woman said to you.
    Posted by Ronbenningtoncupcakecake[/QUOTE]

    You are maybe the least interesting troll I've ever encountered.
  • Don't worry about the troll, hoffse. That is really annoying, especially because you *weren't* in the wrong.
  • Maybe she was following you at an intersection on the way to your apartment and you really didn't make a full stop? Personally, I kinda like constructive advice. At least she didn't have road rage, right?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>Maybe she was following you at an intersection on the way to your apartment and you really didn't make a full stop?</strong> Personally, I kinda like constructive advice. At least she didn't have road rage, right?
    Posted by KatoNorway[/QUOTE]
    This was my thought. <div>Better her to tell you than you to get pulled over right?</div>
  • regardless of whether or not you were in the wrong, she really has no place in doing that. I've had that happen to me. I find it really unsettling that people try and corner you as you're getting out of your car to bug you. Once it was because my car was dirty, and this little old lady actually tailgated me as I was driving to my house, and when I got out, she laid on the horn and I turned around. She got out of the car, and slammed her door. She looked like she was going to murder me. I tried to be polite, when I was really just confused and a little freaked out. I asked her what was wrong, and she launched into a very long lecture about how I need to respect my property and how dirty cars are a sign that I'm a lazy person, and that "kids today" (really, she said that phrase) are too concerned with other things to learn the value of what they have. When I explained that I drove through a mud puddle, she went off on me for "backtalking". I said "Well, I'm not the one yelling at a stranger, am I?". She called me a "little b!tch" and got in her car and sped away. Some people...
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant</a>:
    [QUOTE]regardless of whether or not you were in the wrong, she really has no place in doing that. I've had that happen to me. I find it really unsettling that people try and corner you as you're getting out of your car to bug you. Once it was because my car was dirty, and this little old lady actually tailgated me as I was driving to my house, and when I got out, she laid on the horn and I turned around. She got out of the car, and slammed her door. She looked like she was going to murder me. I tried to be polite, when I was really just confused and a little freaked out. I asked her what was wrong, and she launched into a very long lecture about how I need to respect my property and how dirty cars are a sign that I'm a lazy person, and that "kids today" (really, she said that phrase) are too concerned with other things to learn the value of what they have. When I explained that I drove through a mud puddle, she went off on me for "backtalking". I said "Well, I'm not the one yelling at a stranger, am I?". She called me a "little b!tch" and got in her car and sped away. Some people...
    Posted by LittleMissCutiePie[/QUOTE]
    This is so much different than someone telling you to make a full stop. Your experience sounds more like someone forgot to take their prescription.
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  • edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant : This is so much different than someone telling you to make a full stop. Your experience sounds more like someone forgot to take their prescription.
    Posted by KatoNorway[/QUOTE]

    Hahaha. Too true. However, I was just getting at that unsolicited advice is not right, because it really does offend people.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant : CQTM.  One time I was parall parked and pulled out (I looked first).  I didn't see someone coming so she yelled at me and wrote down my plate number.  Oookay then.
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]

    I have to ask Edie, what does CQTM mean?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: NWR: Strangers who like to comment - Rant : I have to ask Edie, <strong>what does CQTM mean?</strong>
    Posted by LittleMissCutiePie[/QUOTE]

    <div>Chuckled Quietly To Myself</div>
    Formerly known as flutterbride2b
  • Unsolicited advice is the worst, especially when it comes from some random person you don't even know or respect.

    We have an elderly man who likes to spend his days walking around all the local stores. He often sits in our pharmacy waiting area and just watches the world go by. Our boss buys us all lunch every Tuesday, and once when my co-worker was leaving with her lunch in hand, the guy stopped her and said, "Don't eat too much, you'll get fat." He has actually done this more than once. I should add that none of us are remotely overweight (we're on our feet ALL DAY; there's not even a chair in our workspace). I know he's an old man and doesn't really know what he's saying, and that he probably feels entitled to give advice, but REALLY? In all of his 90-something years, he never learned not to give a woman advice on her appearance?
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  • Ugh, some people really don't think before they talk.  I had a new client leave her dog for a minor surgery, she said she was going to go get lunch and would I like her to get me a double cheeseburger?  Apparently she was concerned about my weight, and proceeded to address me as "Annie Anorexic" from then on.  Thankfully she moved.  She was kind of a nut, there were quite a few time she rushed in with one of her yorkies because "he/she just died and I brought him/her back to life, I need you to tell me he/she's going to be ok".

    good grief.
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