Wedding Etiquette Forum

Turbo Snake

I just wanted to take a quick minute and shamelessly promote the Turbo Snake.  If you missed the enticing infomercial, check out the riveting website:

I just received and used said snake last night and was highly impressed with everything the device had to offer.  What was removed from my sink drain was disgusting and at the risk of TMI, consisted of approximately 1 cup of clogged hair.  H was disgusted, I was thrilled.

Run, don't walk, to the website and order yours today.

Dani and Ring Pop, I am not a Vendor.  Ha!


Re: Turbo Snake

  • Ugh, so gross but we need that for my H's sink in the bathroom.  He trims his beard and goatee over the sink even though I've asked him a million times not too.  I can't imagine how much crap is down there.
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  • ew, seeing that hair clump made my stomach churn, but I need!  I think I'd want to just throw the whole thing away though, blurgh.

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  • I can understand how gross things like that can be really fascinating!

    We had a clogged drain this week and I wanted to get a Turbo Snake. But what was in our sink was not hair and would have been way nastier. FI was hesitant because he didn't want to "mess up" and used drano instead, which took a freaking day and a half to work.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e5f53ccd-af90-4588-aa8b-15f6965b8bcaPost:7e50667b-045e-4b9a-97b2-98c775923635">Re: Turbo Snake</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can understand how gross things like that can be really fascinating! We had a clogged drain this week and I wanted to get a Turbo Snake. But what was in our sink was not hair and would have been way nastier. FI was hesitant because he didn't want to "mess up" and used drano instead, which took a freaking day and a half to work.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    GET THE TURBO SNAKE!  we literally used about 3 bottles of draino and the snake is the only thing that worked, obviously because the clog came out.  I lose hair like a mo fo though.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Turbo Snake</a>:
    [QUOTE]We had a clogged drain this week and I wanted to get a Turbo Snake. But what was in our sink was not hair and would have been way nastier.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    Ewww, what was it??
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I mentioned it in another post earlier this week - I had a cocktail party, somehow my best friend ended up three sheets to the wind (and passed out on our couch) and threw up in the bathroom sink. I was pissed not just because of the sink, but also because she threw up a little on my dry-clean only afghan, and because NO ONE else was drunk. Period.

    When everyone had left I asked FI if he wanted to help me finish off the last two cupcakes. He was about to strap on some rubber gloves and he just said, "Not with what I'm about to do."
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  • Eww.  Pukey hair clogs.  
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  • I threw up in the sink about a month ago, and we tried all kinds of different drain cleaners, to no avail.  After a week we finally called a plumber and got it fixed.  Too bad we didn't have the Turbo Snake!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Turbo Snake</a>:
    [QUOTE]I mentioned it in another post earlier this week - I had a cocktail party, somehow my best friend ended up three sheets to the wind (and passed out on our couch) and threw up in the bathroom sink. I was pissed not just because of the sink, but also because she threw up a little on my dry-clean only afghan, and because NO ONE else was drunk. Period.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    Good lord, my H would be SO pissed.  Gross!
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