Wedding Etiquette Forum

I hope this isn't true.

Re: I hope this isn't true.

  • Are you talking about the Jessica Simpson story or Posh's hair?

    Now, THAT's scary.
    Now with more wedded bliss.

    I don't get married often, but when I do, I do it in Las Vegas.


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  • I saw that this morning, I think he would be good for her. She is probably far more intellegent than she makes out or he wouldnt be interested, unless shes great in bed or something.
  • I was half expecting the article to be about Tiger.

    Where have you been!?
  • I like your new(ish) sig pic Mandy :)
  • That seems like the most mismatched couple in history. 
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • * Just a lurker chiming in*

    Billy Corgan is way too good looking for someone as fugly as Jessica Simpson.
  • I would put money on them just working together on music or something.  But who knows.  I think it would be nice to see her stop dating these high profile flashy guys and date someone a little more "normal."   I guess he isn't just your average Joe, but when you compare him to Tony Romo and John Mayer and the like, he sure seems this way. 

    This reminds me of when my beloved Ryan Adams started dating Mandy Moore and everyone was all "What on earth is the pop tart doing with the dirty rock guy who looks like he doesn't bathe?"    They got married and seem pretty darn happy. 



    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • Color me uninformed; I had no idea Ryan Adams and Mandy Moore got married.
  • It won't last I tell you.  He'll see the light and come back to me.  I just know it!


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • Well obviously since I didn't know that makes their marriage invalid. I'll let them know ASAP.
  • I know I constantly wonder what Ryan Reynolds sees in Scarlet Johannson.  Especially when he could have ME.  I mean, really.
  • Hi Mandy! check your PMs
  • Am I the only one who has ever suspected Billy Corgan is gay? He "dates" women who are SO different from each other, and none of his relationships last long. And they are always just heresay.
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  • Seems like a really random couple.  He's gotta be quite a bit older than her- I know he's older than me, seeing as I was in middle school when Smashing Pumpkins was popular.
  • Mandy Moore doesn't seem like an airhead though.  Although she's nothing compared to East!

    It's a weird couple.  She's beautiful and stuff.  He's talented.  I love SP like whoa.  One of my fave bands by far.  I am interested to see how this goes...

    I have been around here and there vally.  My knot is still slow at work so it's been really annoying trying to post.  I feel like I'm missing everything.  It sucks.  Then when I get home, it's slow. 

    Pumpkin, I checked my PMs last week and messaged you back!  Unless you messaged me  back back today. 

    Thanks for the compliment on the new photo!  We did tacky/awkward family photos in the park.  This was one of our normal ones.  But, Mike has a "handle bar mustache" (in the words of jessjo) so therefore he sucks more than jess' husband.  (I was stirring shiit up on TIP early this afternoon)

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  • Is it weird that I'm not concerned by this? I mean... yeah.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • I can't even imagine them working together musically.  Billy Corgan is a total perfectionist and really difficult to work with.

    I also did not know about Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams.
  • I saw this and I just can't see it at all!

    I mean Jessica is obviously a beautiful girl, but Billy Corgan is so so much more than that.  He is one of my all time favorite artists. He is iconic to me.  Our first dance was to his song To Love Someone.  It is so hard to picture them together, but who knows.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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