So I'm basically a lurker but you ladies are always very helpful, and I've seen you post pet questions in the past, so I thought I would try it out and see if anyone had advice. I'll try to keep this post as not-gross as possible.
So Monday morning when I came out to my living room I noticed a smell and that one of our cats (we have 2) had left a lovely "cat present" on our sofa. I cleaned it up and, based on the texture, figured that maybe one of them wasn't feeling well, something along those lines.
Then on Tuesday nothing had happened by the morning, but then I left for a work errand (I basically work from home), was gone for an hour and a half, and there was another "gift" in the same spot on the sofa when i got home- but this one had #1 and #2, so the sofa is pretty much ruined. The smell will never go away!
Now I'm kind of upset and confused. So last night, not wanting a repeat on our other upholstered furniture, I put both cats in the basement. Its a big carpeted basement and i gave them their food and water, plus the box is down there, hoping that would work. Nope- kitty present on the stairs this morning. It was much easier to clean up than on soft furniture, but still aggravating.
So- any suggestions or thoughts? Basic background- they are brother and sister, they'll be 2 years old this summer, we've had them a little over a year, no problem like this before, even when they were tiny babies.
I apologize for the length- and I'll answer any questions that come up! Thanks!