Wedding Etiquette Forum


I don't know if watching Kent step is cute, hilarious, or just really weird. Anyone?
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  • I feel like I should know what sytycd stands for...
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  • So you think you can dance!
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • Ooooooooooohh...well I don't watch that!
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  • I think it's a little weird.
  • o
    i'm not there yet. all i can say is this is an abortion of a season.
  • I'm just not that into him.  I guess that farmboy-deer-in-headlights look just doesn't do it for me :)
  • salt78salt78 member

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  • I sat here for at least 60 seconds telling myself not to open this thread because I am at work and am DVR-ing it as we speak.  However, nothing too major was spoiled so it is ok.  I think Kent stepping would be weird/dorky.  I shall find out when I go home in T minus 10 minutes.
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  • I thought it was a knot acronym I didn't know.
    I just spent the last 5 minutes trying to figure it out.

    This was all I got...

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    And then I finally read your post and realized what this was about. *sighs* I'm slow. I don't watch this show, although sometimes I watch higlights on youtube if someone links me to them.
  • I didn't get to watch tonight because Scott had a shitty day at work and stole the TV.

    Stepping you say?
  • salt78salt78 member
    I thought he was great. It was a little weird at first, but he didn't pull a bunch of cheesy faces like he normally does. 
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  • wow that adechike/comfort routine was awesome. and, with a few exceptions, i'm usually meh at best with the hip hop routines.
  • It was fun to watch tonight, and I usually don't get too into it.

    Fated...nice acronyms. :)
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • i fucking love kent.  and lauren.

    since day 1.

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  • i saw some of it but not the whole show. i don't remember seeing him step so i'll have to watch the DVR tomorrow
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
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  • Kent has a talent. I could watch him dance all day. His face is a different story though.  He has those cheesey facial expressions that looks like he is trying to breathe with his entire face. I can't stand watching him squirm while he gets critiqued. I kinda wanna punch him. Wapokeneta can be proud of his dancing gift, but I'm still waiting for farm boy to come dancing from his proverbial closet. :-)
    I iz not Bridezilla.imageI iz Veloceraptor!

    FOR SALE!!.

  • I really like Kent too.  I'm just mad Alex is gone. He was my favorite!
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  • I didn't like Adechike at first, but he's grown on me.  Sucks that Alex is gone, and Ashley. geez.  Yeah, I'm waiting for Kent to figure out he swings the other way. lol

    That Paso Doble routine was just... weird.  No likey.

    I hate Wapakoneta (my grandparents used to live near there), but yep, he's definitely something to be proud of!
  • I'm feeling pretty sure it's Billy tonight.  He didn't dance last night, even though he could have, and it just has the appearance of him giving up, kwim?  He could have... but he didn't.  and that's not going to go over well.  Everyone else had a pretty good night.  Well, except for Jose, and they love him, so....
  • I heart Robert. I am indifferent towards Kent, but I definitely didn't see the same step routine as the judges- I thought it was cheesy. All I could think of was how horrible the whole thing would've been had Billy stepped also. At least Twitch looked like he knew what he was doing. My H is obsessed with Lauren, or at least her bod. I keep having to remind him how young she is. I'd say Adechike is probably my #2, but that's not saying a whole lot. I don't dislike Jose, but he doesn't have the talent that the others have by a long shot.
  • Yeah, I love Robert a lot.  He's come so far in my estimation.  He'd be my personal choice for winner, between he and Lauren.  I just don't think there's any way the judges will get rid of Kent.  Ever.
  • I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if Kent edges out Robert in the end due to all the judge pimping. Whatevs, Robert is a better dancer, so he'll just go back to having a real job. He's like my mini-Mark (although he may actually be bigger than Mark). That's my biggest diappointment this season- not enough Mark.
  • K ByteK Byte member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    In Response to <a href="">Re: SYTYCD</a>:
    [QUOTE]I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if Kent edges out Robert in the end due to all the judge pimping. Whatevs, Robert is a better dancer, so he'll just go back to having a real job. He's like my mini-Mark (although he may actually be bigger than Mark). That's my biggest diappointment this season- not enough Mark.
    Posted by georgia_bride09[/QUOTE]

    I agree with all of this. I love Robert the best out of all the dancers this season, but Kent has way more hype so I think Kent will win in the end. Do you hear the way the girls EEEEEEE!!!!! every time he comes on stage? I think he's definitely the most popular at this point. I thought his step routine was kind of a disastuh though.

    And I also love Mark, especially when he's shirtless. :D
  • Georgia - I SO agree with you. I LOVE Mark! He is my favorite on the show ever.
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