Wedding Etiquette Forum

Dance Only

So I went out for dinner with my boss last night, and he asked if he could invite his friends to just the dance part of my reception.  I had no idea how to respond to this, so I said "I will have to check with the hotel and see what our numbers are like"

Some background, wedding is out of town (about 2,000 km away), his friends live roughly an hour and half from the reception site.  I've never met them.  I know for a fact that because it's open bar there is a charge for people coming just to the dance.  We  are not inviting anyone else to just the dance.

What would you do to politely handle this situation?

Re: Dance Only

  • I agree completely with MilkDuds - apologize and reject that RUDE inquiry. 
  • SEWFSEWF member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker


    Wow, I can't believe he even asked!
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  • That is really, really unprofessional and impolite for him to ask. Who is he to think the wedding of his employee is his own personal nightclub?

    Turn him down. Be nice about it. Blame it on the venue.
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  • tell your boss hell no.  your wedding is not a place to hang out with his buddies.

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  • wow, am I ever glad I'm not the only one who thought this was an odd request!

  • "I'm sorry, we're unable to accommodate that request."

    I'm amazed that he thought it was OK to ask you if he could use your wedding as a way to hang out with his friends. Every time you think you've heard everything...
  • "I'm sorry, we are at capcity for our venue.  But if you want to meet friends, after, here are a few dance clubs nearby......."

    How rude.   Escpecially considering that it was your BOSS.
  • Sounds like he just wants a free night on the town with his buddies.  How boorish.
  • Wow.  That is a new level of rudeness. 

    Ditto PPs. 
  • I think it's a little odd, but I can see why he'd ask, considering the circumstances, wanting to see his friends. I would just tell him that you can't accommodate (sp?) any extra people.
  • Thanks guys!!! 

    Honestly there were like 40 people that we would have loved to invite but couldn't because of budget, space etc.  so I think I'll just say because it's open bar the hotel is not allowing guests to just the dance.

    He's seeing these people the next day so it's not like he'll totally miss out seeing them.... plus we're related to he'll have all his brothers and sisters to talk to (as well as his kids, wife etc)
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