Wedding Etiquette Forum

So grateful..

Hi everyone,

Last week I found the dress of my dreams. Before we went, my mom told me she wanted to pay for it, which is very special to me because I am normally 100% financially independent, so this was such a nice gift. When we found the dress, it was a little (okay..  a lot) more than we thought it would be, but everyone loved it, and my FMIL stepped in and offered to help pay for it also. I am just so grateful to have such an amazing mother and FMIL, I cried, I am so excited, and I still just cant get over how generous they are. 

My question is, although I have already thanked them profusely, do you think I should send them a card or a small gift? FMIL and mom are each paying for some other wedding things, the majority will be paid for by FI and I. Should I wait until we are married next year to give them a gift at the rehearsal dinner as I was going to anyway, or should I do something now to thank them specifically for the dress?

Re: So grateful..

  • I think sending a card would be a nice gesture. If you're getting your parents gifts to be given at the RD I would get the moms extra special. 
  • I would definitely send thank you cards now. Is there a certain kind of cookie or something you could bake to give them with the cards that they would like? That might be a nice gesture.

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So grateful..</a>:
    [QUOTE]I might send them a card. <strong>I want to see the dress!</strong>
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]
    Me too!
  • Oooohhh I love it!  I love the tulle. 

  • GORGEOUS dress!!  And how thoughtful and generous of your mom & FMIL.  Personally, I would definitely send them each a card - and either a small gift or something I made (I really love to cook) that I know they'd like. 

    It never hurts to show, in no uncertain terms, how much you appreciate things like this.  A little appreciation goes a long way!
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  • thank you everyone!
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