Wedding Etiquette Forum

Naughty Tiger

So I not quite sure what an affair has to do with a car accident, but anyways....I know that chick!

Not the one admitting the affair, the one denying it and saying she will take a lie detector.  She dated the owner of a nightclub here and in NYC.  She is a pretty wealthy girl and the high school sweetie of the nightclub owner (who is hotttt).  She worked as a VIP hostess for him when he opened Tao here, and now she is back in NY.

She says her entire career is based on close relationships with celebs and the very wealthy and that is true.  She woudn't be so stupid as to break that trust...her career would be over.  Anyways...funny to see her in the tabloids.  She is a beautiful girl, not the friendliest, but serious about her job.
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Naughty Tiger

  • Oopsie....sorry I missed the Tiger thread below...sorry for the topic again!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I really wish this was not news.  I really do not care if he cheated on his wife or not. It does not effect me one bit.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • I know.  I am only interested because I kind of knew that girl. is not about people's marriages, or divorces.  News may be about a DUI but that is not even the case. 

    And maybe I'm a cynic but I would assume most people with that level of fame is part of the package that you marry into.  It is not news to is an expectation.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to Re: Naughty Tiger:
    [QUOTE And maybe I'm a cynic but I would assume most people with that level of fame is part of the package that you marry into.  It is not news to is an expectation.
    Posted by saschaduran[/QUOTE]

    I feel the same way.  Men of fame and power have been cheating on their spouses since the beginning of time.  There is a reason why prostitution is one of the world's oldest profession.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • People with that much power probably think they are invincible. I guess it's really tempting to cheat. I wouldn't know, but I can sorta see it.

    Anyway, that's really cool!
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  • Everything has a price.

    And the price you pay for living the life of a millionaire comes with a slightly different set of values and expectations.  Some people have no problem with that, and they are happy with their arrangement.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:f2c26c05-ad4f-4451-a62f-084ab6a00524Post:3a78d42a-1cd3-4bbe-bd87-a105290acf38">Re: Naughty Tiger</a>:
    [QUOTE] And maybe I'm a cynic but I would assume most people with that level of fame is part of the package that you marry into.  It is not news to is an expectation.
    Posted by saschaduran[/QUOTE]

    This is why I could never ever be in a serious relationship with a celebrity.  It happens, it's the way of the world.  It sucks, but it ain't going away anytime soon.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Naughty Tiger</a>:
    [QUOTE]People with that much power probably think they are invincible. I guess it's really tempting to cheat. I wouldn't know, but I can sorta see it. Anyway, that's really cool!
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    I would love to see a study on the matter of why. I wonder if their sexual drive is greater than that of the average guy.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:f2c26c05-ad4f-4451-a62f-084ab6a00524Post:24fc3483-e4a1-416a-9af1-de45b09ccba2">Re: Naughty Tiger</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Naughty Tiger : I would love to see a study on the matter of why. I wonder if their sexual drive is greater than that of the average guy.
    Posted by lyndausvi[/QUOTE]

    I don't think it has as much to do with sexual drive as the need to be admired.  Celebrities wouldn't get to where they are if they didn't absolutely adore and need to be the center of attention, to be admired and talked about and watched.  I think they just need more admiration than normal people, and a lot of times that admiration comes from pretty young women.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • Not only celebs, but the very powerful and wealthy.  Power and fame are aphrodisiacs to women.  It doesn't even mean a woman is a golddigger, per se, just that it is a turn on when a very important powerful man shows a woman attention.

    They have done studies that show a higher a man's income, the more he cheats.  I think it has to do with his appeal, and also those men probably have a confidence that allows them to think they can approach any woman, and they are exposed to more temptations.  Then they do not have the moral compass to say no.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Naughty Tiger</a>:
    [QUOTE]Everything has a price. And the price you pay for living the life of a millionaire comes with a slightly different set of values and expectations.  Some people have no problem with that, and they are happy with their arrangement.
    Posted by saschaduran[/QUOTE]

    This. Exactly.
  • It's all about the availability of their options. 
  • True Nugget.. I think it's also availabilty and opportunity. 

    *** Not that I think my DH would do this, I thought he would I would not have married him ***

    But anyway, if we got into a fight or I just didn't have sex with him for a while he would have to work a little harder to find a woman to meet his needs.

    All a man of fame and power as to do is walk outside their homes and they have a dozen of woman willing to give him what he 'needs' with little effort.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • It's not even about temptation. Any really good looking guy, even if he's not famous or powerful, could easily cheat on his wife every week if he chose to. Many choose not to.

    I could never be the head of a major corporation, or start my own company. It takes a certain type of person. And I hate to say it, but from what I see of certain celebs and CEOs, it's the type of person I don't want to be. It's a sort of drive and willingness to do anything to get ahead, whether that means doing something shady or throwing someone under the bus, or whatever.

    Not all successful businessmen have things to hide, but damn, I think that just means their willpower is even greater than their drive.

    It's the take-whatever-you-want-because-you-can-and-you-deserve-it attitude that does them in.
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  • Mery..EXACTLY.  It is also that Type A personality that makes a huge difference. 

    As far as male Type A's go, I have read that they have much higher levels of testosterone, and those higher levels would translate into a much stronger sex drive.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2009
    That makes sense.

    I think celebs and athletes, like Tiger, are also groomed from a young age to think they are, actually, better or more special than everyone else. Just a little. You need to think that to have the confidence to win a game or land a movie role. And in some ways, these people are better than average in whatever their talent is. So it's easy to confuse, "I am more talented in this specific way than the average person" with "I am above everyone." They might not think that way, but it's something that has to be in their subconcious.
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