Wedding Etiquette Forum

last minute to dos

I am getting down to the wire (2.5 weeks! aahh!!) and starting to stress about forgetting things...were there any little last minute things you forgot that to do/buy, etc before the wedding?
I havent bought a hairpiece yet which is my most current source of anxiety...

So excited :)

Re: last minute to dos

  • I forgot to drop off the bathroom baskets at my reception site when I dropped off the other stuff, so I had to ask my sister's BF to drop it off for me when he was down in the area.

    Checklists are your friends.
  • Checklists!  And make sure everything is TOGETHER.  Go over those lists again and again.  I almost forgot my rehearsal dress when we were leaving for MA to get married.  So double check all that stuff!

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  • We had our suitcase and totes open on the floor of our bedroom for the last couple of weeks. Everytime I thought of something, I would get up right then and put it in the suitcase or totes. The totes were for the venue which had to have everything the Monday before the wedding.

    In the end, we only forgot my daughter's earrings. I had my MOH stop by our house and get them for me.

    2 weeks?!? So exciting!!
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  • I was so concerned with my list of important things to put in the car on Tuesday for our trip that I forgot my shower stuff.  At least that was easily remedied with a trip to the store :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Waiting to meet the baby broccoli on 5/5/2013!
  • Glad to see I'm not the only one who's been filling clear storage boxes with wedding stuff and making checklists etc.  Yay, I'm not totally insane!  FI laughs at me, but Damnit, we're going to have everything that we need!  So there!
  • My spare bedroom became wedding central.  And I had a list of stuff to bring to the venue.  And everything I was wearing went in the garment bag with my dress so I only had to worry about the one bag.  
  • thank you! I am a total list-aholic... so lists are everywhere around my i just need to combine them into one central list...

    FI will be ecsatic to re-claim his basement after this wedding :)

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