Wedding Etiquette Forum

what's everyone up to today?

I just got home from working in our church nursery. I have so much work to get done and don't have the motivation to do it.

What is on the schedule for today, ladies?

Everyone else must be busy today, too bc this board has been pretty dead since last night.

Re: what's everyone up to today?

  • Good morning!
    I'm just counting down the hours until I finally get into the OB and can ask her my pages of questions. They also have their own version of an ER so no more 8 hour trips to the real ER for me!
  • Just got home from getting our tree with H.  I got the lights ready for the outside for him, so he's going to put them up while I get a few hours of sleep.  I need to do some cleaning and Christmas decorating tonight.
  • I don't have a single thing to do today.  I'll probably take the dog for a walk once he decides to get out of bed, then lay around and watch football.  Oh and I rented Just Dance 2 yesterday so I want to try that out as well. 
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning! I'm just counting down the hours until I finally get into the OB and can ask her my pages of questions. They also have their own version of an ER so no more 8 hour trips to the real ER for me!
    Posted by katiewhompus[/QUOTE]

    Dang, that is pretty far to travel to go to the doctor. Do you have an appt tomorrow?
  • I love dance movies :) - especially bad ones, LOL!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Just got home from getting our tree with H.  I got the lights ready for the outside for him, so he's going to put them up while I get a few hours of sleep.  I need to do some cleaning and Christmas decorating tonight.
    Posted by Loopyseven[/QUOTE]

    Yup, that is what I am trying to finish - the Christmas stuff and the usual laundry and cleaning.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't have a single thing to do today.  I'll probably take the dog for a walk once he decides to get out of bed, then lay around and watch football.  Oh and I rented Just Dance 2 yesterday so I want to try that out as well. 
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    I am so jealous of you. I wish I had nothing to do. But I guess that's my fault bc yesterday was our lazy day. I just hate doing a bunch of work on Sunday's.
  • I'm on my way out to see Harry Potter again! I know, I obsess...
  • Laundry.....laundry......laundry.  Yuck.  Also, just got back from the grocery and am waiting for lunch to finish cooking.  Other than that, just doing nothing until Dexter comes on tonight. 

    I might wander out into some stores to do some shopping when Joce goes down for a nap.  We'll see.
  • Yeah I did a little running around yesterday.  I always prefer Sunday to be the lazier of the 2 days.  Although most of my days are pretty lazy now so I can't complain. 

    Loopy it's not a dance movie, it's a dance video game for Wii.  I'm a major dork, but it looks really fun so I wanted to try it.  I do love me some cheesy dance movies though.  Centerstage is one of my faves.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm on my way out to see Harry Potter again! I know, I obsess...
    Posted by alixzafiris[/QUOTE]

    How many times have you seen it? We have seen it twice already.
  • D'oh.  We have a PS2 that hasn't been played in well over a year.  The only reason it's still out is cause the DVD player broke, so we use that :).  I am not well versed in video games, except Mario.  I loves me some Super Mario Brothers and Mario Kart.  and Super Mario 3.  (2 sucked).
  • Oh the ER/OB are only 15 minutes away, it's just a long wait in the ER.
    Tomorrow at 9am. Yay for getting into a system lol.

    DNB, let me know how you like the Dance game! I always look at those because I love dancing but then see they only have 30 songs and figure I'll get bored easily.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah I did a little running around yesterday.  I always prefer Sunday to be the lazier of the 2 days.  Although most of my days are pretty lazy now so I can't complain.  Loopy it's not a dance movie, it's a dance video game for Wii.  I'm a major dork, but it looks really fun so I wanted to try it.  I do love me some cheesy dance movies though.  Centerstage is one of my faves.
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, that is how I usually like it. But since today is the first day I actually feel pretty good & I have almost gotten my voice back, I put everything off until today. Ugh, now I regret it. At least H is helping me, which is a good thing.
  • Yeah Katie I'll let you know.  I first saw it on the show Melissa & Joey and thought it looked fun, but i think its $50 to buy so I figured I would rent it first and try it out.  I think its like DDR though where you keep trying to beat your own score on the songs and improve.  I just need a game that gets my fatass off the couch, since Wii Fit no longer does that job for me.  (For the record I only used it for about a week, then we just kept it out to use as a scale and weight tracker).

    Loopy I love Super Mario Brothers.  They have one for the Wii that we were just talking about in WP last night.  Its really fun, but definitely tests the strength of your marriage.

    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm here and I'm doing absolutely nothing. Lucas is at a career thing today, so it's me and the dogs being lazy. I'm just watching trash tv and contemplating an HP marathon. Sadly, I haven't seen the new one so I'm jealous that Alix gets to go see it again.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm here and I'm doing absolutely nothing. Lucas is at a career thing today, so it's me and the dogs being lazy. I'm just watching trash tv and contemplating an HP marathon. Sadly, I haven't seen the new one so I'm jealous that Alix gets to go see it again.
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, I heard about the marathon being on tv, but we don't have cable. Plus, I can't stand commercials, so I would just rather watch the dvd's bc we have them all.
  • I've only watched the first 3 movies, and never read any of the books.  I don't get Harry Potter. 
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:f4b2ba8f-9e08-4fa0-a559-9212929cdef1Post:4b6f41c3-f1a5-468a-a0a2-6753661f87f5">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah Katie I'll let you know.  I first saw it on the show Melissa & Joey and thought it looked fun, but i think its $50 to buy so I figured I would rent it first and try it out.  I think its like DDR though where you keep trying to beat your own score on the songs and improve.  I just need a game that gets my fatass off the couch, since Wii Fit no longer does that job for me.  (For the record I only used it for about a week, then we just kept it out to use as a scale and weight tracker). Loopy I love Super Mario Brothers.  They have one for the Wii that we were just talking about in WP last night.  Its really fun, but definitely tests the strength of your marriage.
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    Have you tried EA Active? Wii Fit lost its sparkle for me after a while and Active is pretty sweet.

    I still haven't seen the new HP :(
  • No I haven't tried that one yet.  The part that stinks for me with those games is that our living room is very long and narrow since its a townhouse, and it doesn't leave me with a ton of room between the couch and the TV to do the exrecises and stuff.  So I always spend half the time trying to figure out how to even mange to do the exercise in that area.  I've been seeing the commercials for the Kinect or whatever its called for XBox and am thinking I want that.  I'll have to wait until H gets back anyways since he didn't set those systems up before he left, so by then I'll probably lose interest in it.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've only watched the first 3 movies, and never read any of the books.  I don't get Harry Potter. 
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    It does take a while to understand everything. I had to watch the movies several times to pick up on everything. I have only read a couple of the books (and not in order), which is something I need to do. There are just so many books I want to read right now, I don't have enough time for them all.
  • In Response to Re: what's everyone up to today?:
    [QUOTEThere are just so many books I want to read right now, I don't have enough time for them all.
    Posted by MissySue20[/QUOTE]

    I can't tell you how many times I've said this same thing.  My problem though is that I would have way more than enough of time if I just gave up knotting.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I am painting upstairs and H is working on a basement remodel.  I am a little bummed, because I bought a gallon of Behr paint called "French Silver," but it looks French Lavender on my walls.
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: what's everyone up to today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: what's everyone up to today? : [QUOTEThere are just so many books I want to read right now, I don't have enough time for them all. Posted by MissySue20[/QUOTE] I can't tell you how many times I've said this same thing.  My problem though is that I would have way more than enough of time if I just gave up knotting.
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    Amen to that. H teases me all the time about it. But of course I can say the same thing to him about his video games and D&D stuff that he does. He is having withdrawls bc he doens't have anyone to play with since we moved here. I think he is gearing up for playing with the guys when we go home in January.
  • That stinks Kate.  My mom has the same issue whenever she picks a shade that has any blue shades, and she always thinks it looks like Robin's Egg blue.  She says she is haunted by the color. 

    Maybe once you get your furniture in there though and and put some black frames on the wall or something it will look more like silver.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Kate, when we first painted our apartment, our grey bedroom turned out blue. We hadn't had time to try swatched in the room itself before moving in, and we had wanted to paint before we moved. "Luckily" we had to repaint after the earthquake since we had to replaster the walls, so we took our time and now really like the color. It's frustrating though when you get all excited and then don't like it.

    I'm working - I've got lots to do and any weekend hours I work add up to vacation days, so I'm taking advantage. Made zucchini bread this morning and am just hanging out with the pups til H gets home tonight.
  • My Mom left after spending the weekend with my sister and I.  For the rest of the day I will be doing homework, packing, working out and scrapbooking :)
    Updated 1/17/11 imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • Today I am making caramel for my coworkers, doing some form of exercise, and decorating the Christmas tree with H.  Yay for lazy Sundays.
  • KentuckyKateKentuckyKate member
    edited December 2010
    Unfortunately, we have black furniture that's already in there, and it still looks purple.  I think that room has weird lighting or something.  I'm hoping the color will kind of develop into gray.  I had a painter once tell me that paint reaches its full color potential in about a week after putting it on a wall.  H is not pleased.  Not pleased at all.

    Earlier convo:
    H: Why are you painting the guest room?  That room was done.
    Me: Because I'm a designer!
    H: You're not a designer, you're ADD.  And why is it purple?  I hate purple.
    Me: What? It's French Silver!  Oh sh!t, it is purple :(
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • Morning :)

    I'm having a good day so plans..FI is in the kitchen making his AWESOME french toast and bacon (he's throwing a twist in today for December and making them with and egg nog batter...should be interesting!).  It rules..french toast, nutella, bacon, and syrup.  So bad, but so so good.

    dnb-We have Super Mario for the Wii too, I totally understand the testing your relationship!  I think the only times FI has ever truly been mad at me was when we were playing that game!
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