I need advice and I don't want to ask my H. Our friends, a couple, invited us to spend NYE with them. Well we pretty much have standing plans with another couple that we do something with every year, so I had to at least run it past them first. Woman from couple #2, let's call her S, thinks woman from couple #1, K, doesn't like her and makes her uncomfortable so she doesn't want to spend NYE with them and wants to stick with our tradition of it being just the 4 of us.
So I told couple who invited us that we were going to do something else instead, but thanks for inviting us, etc. I explained that it's a tradition with couple #2. Well now K just e-mailed me and said they are really disappointed and wanted us to come. I don't know what to say! I feel bad and there's really no good excuse for us not going except that S doesn't want to be around K. I don't feel like I can say that but I don't feel like just saying it's tradition is good enough either.
What would you say?