Wedding Etiquette Forum

Should we have menus?

We are having a plated salad and then a buffet for the rest of the food. My FI and I could not agree, so we felt that this was the best compromise! My question is, should we have menus? I love how the table looks with napkins and menus tucked inside, but would it be strange?

Re: Should we have menus?

  • I woud be a little weirded out by a menu for a buffet.
  • You could, but it's not necessary.  Some people like to know what they are going to be eating, others don't care.  But if you want to do it, then sure.  
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  • Brandiewine11Brandiewine11 member
    edited May 2011
    You don't need them, but if you want them, go ahead! I have a similar situation and plan on putting a menue card in a frame on each table.

    ETA: I like to know what is being served before I get to the buffet table. It weirds me out not to know.
  • I would go with labels at the buffet itself, but not individual menu cards.
  • Not necessary but if you really like the look of them, then do it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Should we have menus?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would go with labels at the buffet itself, but not individual menu cards.
    Posted by hlq2011[/QUOTE]

    Yes, this is what I would do. I don't think it's necessary to have them at all the tables but at the buffet itself, in front of each dish, would look nice.
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  • I'd love to read what is on the buffet when I'm seated. I always want something that's down the line but my plate either gets full of other stuff or I forget it's there, especially if it's on different tables around the room. If you like the look then go for it.
  • I don't think menus for each guest is necessary; but if you wanted to put 1 or 2 framed menus on each table that would be ok.

    Another option to add to the labels on the buffet, would be to have a full list of the menu at the head of the buffet so that while folks are waiting in line, they can see what's offered.


  • I like knowing what the options are before I get in line.  That way, if I don't like a lot of the things at the end of the line, I can fill my plate with things at the front of the line.

    We're having a plated meal, and we're going to have a few menu cards on each table.  We're also going to display them in the cocktail hour area.  FI's family has never experienced a cocktail hour, and they may think it's the only food.  He doesn't want them to gorge on appetizers and not have room for the meal.  On the other hand, if someone doesn't like our meal option, they can just load up on appetizers.
  • I would think a menu on the table for a buffet was odd.
  • We did not do menus and we had a sit down, plated meal. Our guests already knew what the main entrees were anyway from the rsvp cards and I wasn't worried about them knowing the side items in advance.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:f9cea171-b0af-45cc-b512-48faac9de628Post:7d10739c-5474-4124-a259-7a59697282f7">Re: Should we have menus?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't think menus for each guest is necessary; but if you wanted to<font color="#ff0000"><strong> put 1 or 2 framed menus on each table</strong></font> that would be ok. Another option to add to the labels on the buffet, would be to have a full list of the menu at the head of the buffet so that while folks are waiting in line, they can see what's offered.
    Posted by kjhowd[/QUOTE]

    <strong><font color="#ff0000">THIS EXACTLY...LOVE IT!</font></strong>
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  • I don't think menus are necessary as PP have said, but I like the idea of having one menu at the beginning of the buffet table. Labels are nice too. I'm not a fan of having to ask what everything is!
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