Wedding Etiquette Forum

invitation wording - to share or not to share...

My parents are paying for 100% of our wedding. we have drafted up the invitations and there is no mention of FI parents.  (This is traditional for a church wedding where 1 set of parents is paying.)  Do you think it is necessary to tell his parents/show them the invitation before they go out?  i don't want to upset anyone but i also don't want to bring it up if it isn't really any issue. 
what would you do?

Re: invitation wording - to share or not to share...

  • Since they are not hosting, they don't need to be on the invitation or approve it.
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  • I don't think you need to show it to them. Including the groom's parents and including them in the process of order the invitation is a courtesy, but it's by no means mandatory or rude if you don't.
  • As long as your FI doesn't think they'll care you don't need to get their sign-off. 
  • he says it doesn't matter to him - his parents are also both divorced and remarried so he thought either include them all or noone was best.

  • One of my friends did this as she felt it was traditional.  She showed it to her fiance who had no comment or changes.  When his parents (married still) received the invitation apparently his mother was upset and "jokingly" mentioned to my friend that it made her son look like he was an orphan since none of his parents were listed.

    Personally I think what you're doing is fine.  If any problems with your fiance's parents being offended, it's his job to handle it with them.
  • My invitations will have no parents listed since they are not hosting our wedding, my FI and I are paying 100%. 

    I think that propoer etiquette is to list the parents hosting (paying).
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