Wedding Etiquette Forum

Wedding Programs...Necessary or not?

Our ceremony is going to be pretty short and sweet, probably no more than 20 minutes.  Do we HAVE to give out programs?  We'd be doing them ourselves, and only have 18 more days...I've been putting it off!

Re: Wedding Programs...Necessary or not?

  • Nope, not necessary.  I haven't decided if i'm going to have them yet.  It really depends on if I ever get around to making them.
  • Nope, not necessary.  We are doing them, but it's a Catholic ceremony, and I want them. 
  • They are definitely not needed. My ceremony was about 6 minutes so people would not have even had a chance to get through them :D
  • Unless there is some cultural aspect to your wedding that most of your guests wouldn't understand, they're not necessary.
  • Not necessary, unless required by your venue.  At my church, I am required to put a sentence in the programs about how flash photography is not allowed.  I guess I could just have a big sign somewhere in lieu of programs.
  • Not necessary at all.

    We are doing them because we are having a full Catholic mass and I prefer to have them.  For the most part it's your decision.

    Good luck.
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  • They are not necessary at all. I kept saying I wasn't going to do them but today, 7 days before my wedding I got bored and decided to do them. It only took about 3 hours and I think they turned out nice.
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  • they're not necessary, especially if your ceremony is only 20 minutes.

    being said, if theres something that some of your guests won't understand.. you might want them.

    PS Sig Challenge: Rings
    Sept 2011 Sig Challenge: First Kiss
  • Nope, not necessary. I didn't want them at all. However, FI's family insisted and so they will be made. Our ceremony will be about 15 minutes and outdoors but hey, it makes them happy, so I'm happy.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:fc512620-af92-4ea1-8af7-9e2f9f7c5453Post:ff5914a7-e728-45ba-a604-a54c5ec6c158">Re: Wedding Programs...Necessary or not?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Not necessary, unless required by your venue.  At my church, I am required to put a sentence in the programs about how flash photography is not allowed.  I guess I could just have a big sign somewhere in lieu of programs.
    Posted by MattsPenguin[/QUOTE]

    This is weird.  Will there be other people at your venue, outside of you and your guests, who would be bothered by flash photography?  Environmentally sensitive ferns?  I always thought the flash photography thing was requested by the pro photog or videographer so random guests don't ruin their shots.  Totally just curious to find out why the venue would forbid it?  SATISFY MY CURIOSITY! 
  • At my dad's wedding most of the programs were just left on the ground.  I thought to myself that I would not do any for mine but I've reconsidered.  Since my ceremony and reception are not at the same venue I'm doing maps so on the opposite side I am putting the names of the wedding party.

    If yours is at the same venue then I don't think you need to waste your time, energy, or money (programs are usually the most forgotten thing on the day of the wedding).  But maybe if you were providing maps you can include a little program...
    November 2011 Siggy Challenge: The First Kiss
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  • i've always saved programs from weddings ...i still have one from my aunt's wedding in the 80s.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:fc512620-af92-4ea1-8af7-9e2f9f7c5453Post:b8396bb6-ad2f-4d38-b32f-a631d1595795">Re: Wedding Programs...Necessary or not?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Wedding Programs...Necessary or not? : This is weird.  Will there be other people at your venue, outside of you and your guests, who would be bothered by flash photography?  Environmentally sensitive ferns?  I always thought the flash photography thing was requested by the pro photog or videographer so random guests don't ruin their shots.  Totally just curious to find out why the venue would forbid it?  SATISFY MY CURIOSITY! 
    Posted by The Mel and Todd Show[/QUOTE]

    Obviously I'm not MP, but I've been to weddings with the line in the program about no flash photography.  I was told that the church considers the ceremony to be a worship service, which is why flash photography (other than the professional photographer in some cases) is against the rules.
  • One idea I saw and really liked: putting ceremony information (bridal party names, etc.) on a chalkboard and posting it at your venue!
  • There's a post on Catholic Brides exactly the same.  Check that out

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