Wedding Etiquette Forum

Transportation for Wedding Party's family

Hi!  I am planning to rent a party bus or a stretch SUV for me, FI, and wedding party (bridesmaids and groomsmen).  We're planning to do a first look and take pics before the ceremony, probably at a different location than the wedding venue, so the party bus would be a fun way to transport everyone from the picture location to the wedding venue.  I was wondering if I am also required to provide transportation for my wedding party's families, i.e. significant others and their children?  I really want it to just be me and FI, GM, and BM's.  If they do go, I feel like it might be way too crammed and what are the kids going to do the whole time while we're taking pics?  Just sit there and be bored?  I just think it might be awkward to have kids around in the party I'd have to censor myself or something. 

I will be providing a shuttle for guests from the hotel to the venue so it's not like they won't have a way to the wedding.  I just wasn't sure if the wedding party would expect us to include their significant others and kids while we take pics and subsequently provide transportation for them other than the one provided at the hotel.   Thanks!
Married since October 14, 2012 - Best Day Ever! Wedding-2

Re: Transportation for Wedding Party's family

  • You don't have to provide transportation for your WP's families.  Most of them would probably prefer to drive separately, plus then they all have a way home at the end of the night.
  • Ditto pp.  Those people need to be driving to the venue so they have a ride home at the end of the night.
  • I don't think they expect for their whole families to be traveling along with you. Plus, they probably want to enjoy some time away from their kids and hang out with just the wedding party :)

    You're fine with just you WP in the party bus!
  • It's a very nice thought on your part but unnecessary. I've never heard of this. While my friend/BM's whole family (who I really like) is invited and get their own table, they don't expect transportation. You're a very considerate bride. ;-)
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  • Wp members know there are pictures involved & time away from their familys. I have never seen spouses & children go with them to take pics, would be like walking down the isle behind them too. don't worry about more than you have too. It is nice that your concerned but let them worry about it.
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