I'm finishing a major course that has a huge research paper. The prof is incredibly absent-minded and lives in his own little world. Whenever anyone asks him something, he doesn't understant what's going on and gives some answer that has absolutely nothing to do with the question.
I used to have an OK teaching assistant who marked my proposal, and gave me a couple pointers. I fixed them, but when I had to hand it in again, he wasn't there! Turns out that he quit and I got shifted to another TA, who gave me a 62% on my proposal, because she wanted the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the first TA said! She also penalized me for doing things that she thought were against APA style (though I showed her the guide after, and she was wrong!).
She wouldn't adjust my mark to reflect the things she had marked me incorrectly on, instead, she said she'll help me with my major assignment, and that I can email her the drafts and she can help me with it as long as its at least 3 weeks before they're due.
I took it to heart and did it early (5 weeks before it's due!) and emailed her the first draft. After she ignored a bunch of my emails, she finally messaged me back and told me that I have to correct another million things. So I did and sent it back to her again (4 weeks before it's due). She replied that "looking through it once was a favour, she doesn't have the time to do it again".
I don't understand how she can promise to help me if all she can spare is 20 minutes in 3 months, and doesn't have that 20 minutes again in the next 4 weeks (my paper is only 3.5 pages so far!).
I'm so scared that I'm going to fail this course and there's no one to help me. I feel like I'm trying so freaking hard and all I get is kicked around.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom? This is bringing me down so badly