North Carolina

Hotel Rooms for Guests

Hi! We're about to reserve a block of rooms for out-of-town wedding guests and I'm wondering what type of rooms to reserve? Did you/are you going to reserve only rooms with 2 queen beds...or did you do some queen beds and some king beds? I hadn't thought about this until looking at hotel websites. TIA!
image Matt & Ashley 5.08.10

Re: Hotel Rooms for Guests

  • edited December 2011
    We reserved mainly King rooms but a few with 2 queens.  I would think about your OOT guests likely to attend.  Ours are mainly couples, so the K worked fine.  However, we had a few people with kids or singles we knew would share, so we did be sure to reserve a few rooms with 2Qs.  I'd say it just depends on your guests...HTH.
  • edited December 2011
    We did a mix - a lot of my friends got two queens to share and most families got one king.
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