Ok, I'm realizing that there is probably not a proper wording for this since it's not proper etiquette anyway, but I figured I'd get opinions.
We will be inviting several married women to the wedding without their spouses (read below if you're really interested in knowing why). For the outer envelope, should it be "Mrs. Susan Smith" or "Mrs. John Smith". I know the former is normally reserved for divorced women, and the latter for widowed women. Which is more appropriate in this situation?
(My mom has a large group of women that have been friends while all of their kids have grown up together. I am the first of the kids to get married, so there's no previous standard to go off of for the group. My mom talked with all the ladies about whether she would be able to invite them all, since it would obviously be all of the group or none. They insisted that if they were to be invited, it would be without spouses. They originally asked to be invited to the ceremony only, but my mom recently decided that she wanted to have them come to the whole event. My parents are paying, but I am addressing the invites.)