Ok, EVERY wedding book and wedding website I have found says that it is rude to put where you are registered on your invitations and that you have to just spread the word by mouth. Please, someone answer me why.
I live in the upper midwest, very upper. Most of my wedding invites I have recieved come from Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconson, and then some random ones from Texas, New York, Alaska, and California. But, all of them have had the wedding registry listed. I'm going to follow suit because that is what people do, and I think it is absolutly ridiculous that people are expected to find out where you are registered by word of mouth.
Living in a very midwest community, with very Norweigan and German backgrounds, people always want to give gifts that YOU want, but in such a community, it is unthinkable to call up a bride or her family to get information they feel should have been given up front. I remember some old babas and jetiks once were very annoyed that a bride DIDN'T include a registry listing. I believe one commented "How are we supposed to know what she needs if she doesn't give us the information? I'm not going to call her to find out." It's almost rude here to NOT include the gift registry, and its seen as common courtisy to not have your guests guessing in the dark what the young couple needs to start a new life together.
So, I just really want to know why this is considered tactless and rude.