a very good friend of mine throughout middle, highschool and college, kinda disappeared after college. She had a baby, she's a single mom, and went away to live w/ her dad - long story short, we lost touch.....she just had alot of stuff going on and she got away.Well one of my BM found her on facebook and she knows how close we used to be so she friend'd her and told her that im getting married and gave her my email..she emailed me and we're back in touch...she keeps apologizing that she left, but back now and wish she was around to see me get married..she met mike when we 1st started going out 10yrs ago...So my next quesiton - do i invite her? I have room, so its not about that but some of my friends are saying no- just keep in touch after the wedding and see how long she sticks around for...i just feel bad and would have loved for her to be there...wwyd?