New Jersey

Next vacation...

we want to go to the mountains in the winter out west....but we don't like mountains and we don't like snow...which is the best state to go?
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Re: Next vacation...

  • edited December 2011
    If you don't like the mountains or the snow why do you want to go to the mountains?
  • edited December 2011
    It's going to be hard to avoid mountains and snow if you're going to the mountains in the winter.
  • edited December 2011
    hahahaha exactly...please read Brad's post at the bottom of the page.  He insists on going to Hawaii for his honeymoon but refuses to go to the beach or in the water.
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  • edited December 2011 guess it was a bad attempt at a funny joke....I was hoping whoever read this also read Brad's post.
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  • edited December 2011
    not a bad attempt...I got it right away!
  • edited December 2011
    phew - thank goodness someone did. I was about to head my head in shame! haha
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  • Denise91980Denise91980 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    California.....My sister lives in Redlands and the mountains are less than an hour from them....There is Big Bear....where they do get snow...and another one (I can't think of the name)...but it is gorgeous and they have a man made lake in a really cute area....Plus you can drive up the PCH....which is supposed to be really time we go...we are going to do that
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  • edited December 2011
    LoL I was wondering what you were talking about...I don't usually read Brad's posts.
  • Denise91980Denise91980 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Of that I post it I see you aren't serious....but California is still really nice...LOL
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  • edited December 2011
    although, in brad's FI and I also hate the beach and people kept telling us that we should go to Hawaii for the honeymoon because there was so much else to do besides the the end, I just didn't see the point of going to Hawaii though if you are not going to go to the beach.
  • Angie550Angie550 member
    edited December 2011
    I got it!  I opened this and said Chelsea cant possibly be serious...this is a 'Brad' post.  I have been to HI and will be going back for our HM and can NOT imagine not exploring the beauty of the islands.  There are historical aspects, but in my opinion the real treasure is the atmosphere...the beachs, the water, the luaus, the 2:30 sunrise.
  • edited December 2011
    Agree that there is tons else to do there. But he just shoots down everyone's suggestions to staying somewhere other than Oahu, which in my opinion is a better day trip from one of the other islands instead of doing it reverse.Doesn't want to do the luau cause he doesn't think he'll like the food.Doesn't want to do the sunrise thing because he "doesn't get up at 2:30am"
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  • Angie550Angie550 member
    edited December 2011
    It just sounds like he has made up his mind and nothing is going to change that. 
  • edited December 2011
    Exactly...his last post on there just blew me over.  He seems very sheltered due to that last one. "Europe is for older people", "Mexico is for spring break in college", "Cayman is for my tax shelter". Give me a break. Go out and live a little.
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  • melissa82melissa82 member
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    edited December 2011
    LOL!Doesn't want to do the luau cause he doesn't think he'll like the food.That's the part that made me stop responding in that post. Just try something new! If you don't like the food, it's not going to ruin your life! Just go back and eat something later. It sounds like his FI is as big of a stick in the mud as he is though, which works out.
  • edited December 2011
    It sounds like his FI is as big of a stick in the mud as he is though, which works out.haha...I also feel bad for his brother and nieces. Sounds like he's trying to raise them instead of staying the F out. He's probably one of those BIL's that everyone hates. Sorry Brad.
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  • edited December 2011
    i hope someday i get to meet brad and user in person~ i think then it will all make sense.
  • kle0113kle0113 member
    edited December 2011
    Chelsea - lmao! That was good. For some reason I think its a timeshare so they are staying for free. I don't get it either especially because HI is known for beaches but whatever to each their own! I really try not to waste my breath with him but at times I totally get sucked in.
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  • edited December 2011
    Europe is for older peopleIt's true...little known fact about Europe...all European children are shipped to an island and not allowed to return until age 45.The entire place is a nursing home.  Amsterdam is geezer city!
  • uppereastgirluppereastgirl member
    edited December 2011
    I've actually wondered from time to time if he's just the most subtle MUD ever.  We should all just make a pact to ignore him, no matter how infuriating and ridiculous his comments are.   He's such a waste of all of our time.  How someone can be so uninformed yet stubborn is beyond me.  His arguments remind me of the debates we would have in social studies class when I was 10. 
  • melissa82melissa82 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    But can't they just use the timeshare somewhere else?I don't think Brad is alone in buying into the whole HM = Hawaii thing though. When we went to Hawaii on vacation last year SO many people asked me, "You're going to Hawaii?!?! NOW where are you going to go on your honeymoon???" as if we had completely ruined our lives.
  • edited December 2011
    Hahahaha, i thought you were having a major brain fart there for a minute, Chelsea.
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  • Laurms15Laurms15 member
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    edited December 2011
    Hahaha so thats why my mom and her family moved to the US when she was a teenager. Must have been that pesky new old people only rule!
  • Kelly&TimothyKelly&Timothy member
    edited December 2011
    i agree uppereast. stopped looking at his posts the day he claimed that all of them always got stars. he apparently enjoys sucking everyone into pointless debates.
  • edited December 2011
    I have a friend that reminds me of him...LOVES to play devil's advocate just to piss people off.But if he is just subtle MUD...well it sure seems like a giant waste of his (maybe her?) time
  • edited December 2011
    The sad part is that there have only been about 139,458 posts & reviews about HI and he has USERS' expert advice at his disposal yet he still felt the need to ask for additional opinions from women who he thinks are illogical and too emotional.Agree with uppereast that it's just a huge waste of time entertaining his ridiculousness, which I am definitely guilty of.
  • edited December 2011
    stopped looking at his posts the day he claimed that all of them always got stars. This post just talking about him now has a star. haha
  • edited December 2011
    Brad is a creepy weirdo.  Strange I tell ya.  Alot of things he says come off real creepy.  I don't think he has any balls.The way he speaks of his neice is kind of weird in my opinion.  Sounds kind of pedophile to me.It's like a bad accident, you can't help but look.
  • tvlirenetvlirene member
    edited December 2011
    Chelsea LOL! I got it right away. It's the strangest thing...Brad has a way of just totally getting under my skin. Normally I would just ignore a post if it annoyed me but with him...I actually feel myself getting mad. He reminds me of a very narrow minded, bitter old man.
  • uppereastgirluppereastgirl member
    edited December 2011
    irene, I feel the same way!!!
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