New Jersey

Rose Petals to purchase

Hello all...I just got a quote from my florist for rose petals for just the ceremony and the sweetheart table and it's like $100.  Maybe I'm being cheap, but have any of you purchased your own from another florist of grocery store for the day of to cut cost?  I do want real ones, but don't need anything super fancy.  TIA

Re: Rose Petals to purchase

  • edited December 2011
    Wow that's a lot my florist threw them in for us.  You could get a bunch from costco and just take the petals off.
  • edited December 2011
    My cousin DIY real ones from the grocery store the day of and it was a PIA. It's up to you, if you have family members that won't mine helping the night before/day of - then do it. Also, you should know you can get petals yourself from a wholesaler online - I looked into and they give you like 6000 petals or something for 120.
  • edited December 2011
    Def not looking to DIY, just looking to purchase the petals (without having to take them off the stems). 
  • olomananyolomanany member
    edited December 2011
    I purchased fresh rose petals from Metropolitan Plant Exchange.  They filled half a large shopping bag and the cost was about $75.  They were used for the aisle, cake table, sweetheart table.
  • edited December 2011
    idk - it doesnt seem that bad - even if you get a dozen roses for $10 - thats only 120 roses for $100...if she is doing the ceremony and sweetheart table, than im sure its more than that...but try the place jaime found online and if that works out then go for it...
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