New Jersey

My Wedding Nightmare!

My mom tells me this morning that she had a dream of me last night being 8 months pregnant walking down the isle!!!! I can't tell you how much this is my biggest fear. Of all things, being pregnant is it! Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to have kids but walking down the isle in a white (for me ivory) wedding dress with a huge belly is not for me. Did anyone else have crazy dreams like this?! I'm on the pill and have been for years. I'm very anal about taking it but I'm freaking out that there might be an "oops." Someone please tell me this is all in my head. Of all things wedding related, I'm a very calm and relaxed bride, this is the only thing to make me freak out to the max!

Re: My Wedding Nightmare!

  • andreapnycandreapnyc member
    edited December 2011
    haha its not you. dont worry!  i was telling my FMIL something WR last week, and i prefaced it with "i have some awesome exciting news" and she cuts me off and goes "omg are you pregnant?" and i was like "ummm nooooo i officially asked all my bridesmaids to be in my wedding"  and she was lke oh ok haha and i freaked out bc its my fear too! soooo its not just you, it is in your head, and dont worry about it.
  • Danes983Danes983 member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    This is also my biggest fear.  FI and I have been together for 3 years and i have been on bc for longer.  But I swear every month I stress out about it.  I want kids also... in about 3 years.  Def not on my wedding day after I have lost almost 16 lbs. OYE.
  • edited December 2011
    Aw, it will all be ok! I haven't had a nightmare yet... knock on wood.... but I know many girls do!
    All very normal ~ and as long as you take the BP the right way (Same time every day, don't smoke, don't mix with an Rx without back up, etc), you should most definitely be fine!
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  • edited December 2011
    I have wedding nightmare, but not that particular one.
  • edited December 2011
    I can understand how that could be a fear, but at the same time, in the grand scheme of life - that wouldn't be a "horrible" thing.
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  • edited December 2011
    It's not as easy to get knocked up as you think so relax, if you take your BC everyday you have less than 1% chance of this happening. Besides you're 7 months away from your wedding so at this point you won't be 9 months pregnant walking down the aisle. Stress makes you have weird dreams, just try to think how special that day will be and not worry so much, it's all going to be OK and you will not be pregnant if you don't want to be. My crazy dreams are more about something being wrong with my dress, or my hair or makeup.
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  • edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies!
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