New Jersey

When to dress shop?

Hey all.  My wedding is one year out from this month (got engaged in Feb) and I am unsure as to when to start shopping for my gown.  I was thinking August or September- other people are saying to go now.  I just feel like it's a little too soon.

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Re: When to dress shop?

  • edited December 2011
    I went shopping and found my dress a full year and a half before my wedding.  I think you should start shopping now only because you don't know how long it'll take for you to find "the one."  Just because you start looking now doesn't mean you have to buy it right away.
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  • HobokensFuryHobokensFury member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    It all depends on where you go.  Some wedding dresses can take over 6 months to come in.  I would say start looking now.  I ordered my at 13 months out and still don't have it.
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  • edited December 2011
    I found my dress a year and a half prior to our wedding. My mom and I went dress shopping a few weeks after we got engaged. I was happy I went so early because my dress didn't arrive to the shop until this past January. I got married the beginning of April, so time wise everything worked out.

    You may want to start looking already because not everyone finds their dress the first time out shopping.

    Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    It's never too soon!  I felt the same way at first.  My mom and bridesmaids were dying to go dress shopping and I kept insisting that it was too soon.  They told me to just begin the process of seeing what dress type looked best on my body.  I finally gave in and the very first day, I found my dress with over a year until my wedding.  I was glad that I took there advice because as it turns out, my dress is taking 9 months to come in!  So, it can't hurt to start now :)
  • katetwkatetw member
    edited December 2011
    Yes, like everyone else is saying, most dresses take 6-8 months to arrive and then usually a month's worth of fittings (one or two spaced by a couple weeks) are needed -- go now!
  • edited December 2011
    Personalky, I'd start soon. Like others said above, some dresses take awhile to come in. I was glad I started early so there was no rush or stress. My dress is taking aprox. 9 months to be made, but could easily take 10. Go hit the shops and have some fun! :o)
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  • Faith2730Faith2730 member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I got my dress last May and my wedding is the end of July. I don't think it's too early at all. Doesn't hurt to try a few on! :)
  • sgdc2011sgdc2011 member
    edited December 2011
    I went shopping last July, my wedding is next month.  My dress came in in February.  You want to make sure it comes in right.  I've heard horror stories that they ordered the wrong dress/color/material/size and had to find a dress a month before the wedding. 

    Depending on which shop you pick they might hold it for you until you go for your fittings. 
  • edited December 2011
    I ordered my dress in September and it is still not in, and my wedding is in August! I would start looking now if I was you.
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  • edited December 2011
    Wow, I had no idea that these dresses take that long!  I guess I will start making appointments.  I feel like I know what I want but who knows once I start trying things on.  Thanks for your help guys! :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    My wedding is next May and I just started looking for the reasons people posted above.
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  • altimat873altimat873 member
    edited December 2011
    My wedding is in Nov and I ordered it in Oct 2010 and the dress is still no in - expected to arrive this month though. Def start looking now, took me 2 consistent months and 74 preivous dresses before I found mine. Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    Agreed with all PP's.  Plus it's so much fun to shop for "the one" so start now just for that reason!  Good luck :) Let us know how it goes!
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