New Jersey

Picturesque sites in Toms River?

My bridesmaids and I are staying at the Ramada in Toms River and, since the church is only a few minutes from there, I'd like to stay close for the pre-ceremony pictures with my girls. Does anyone know of any parks or other pretty spots for us to take our pics?

Also, does anyone have any suggestions for Point Pleasant Beach (NOT the boardwalk, we're too shy for that) for our pictures before the reception? I would love to get some shots on a dock with the fishing boats, but we drove around for a while last weekend and couldn't find anywhere where we could get access.
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Re: Picturesque sites in Toms River?

  • edited December 2011
    Huddy Park maybe? Its off Water Street in Toms River.

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  • agu101agu101 member
    500 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I blocked rooms at the Ramada Toms River too!  As far as places in Pt. Pleasant, you can always go down to Jenkinson's Inlet.  It's away from where the main boardwalk area is so you won't be the center of attention.  You can also check out the docks near where Jack Bakers and Red's Lobster Pot are or the marina near the Crystal Point.  Not sure how much time you have for pics, but if you go over to Brielle there's the docks near Union Landing and Sand Bar that you could get some good shots.
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  • NikkiPSUNikkiPSU member
    edited December 2011
    You could always try Winding River Park in TR
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  • ellevellev member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the suggestions! Huddy Park looks like a good one in TR because it's got that pretty bridge. I see Winding River Park on the map, but I wouldn't know where to go. I'll check it out though when we get up to NJ next week.

    Thanks for all the suggestions for Pt. Pleasant. I'd love to get some shots with the fishing boats, but I don't want to just barge onto someone's dock (I'm not sure how that would go over). We're having our reception at Jack Baker's, so maybe I need to look more closely because I didn't even notice they had a dock.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • NikkiPSUNikkiPSU member
    edited December 2011
    If you want boats in the pictures you can always contact one of the yacht clubs and see if they would allow you to do pictures there! 
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