New Jersey

100 days - Advice

Okay so I dot post often Im kind of a stalker and try to add advice where I can, but today is 100days and for the first time I am really freaking out.  I have most stuff done but a lot of little details and Im just totally freaking....MG's any advice on things i should be taking care of that I should make sure are done, or do early?


Re: 100 days - Advice

  • smw42smw42 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Programs! They were a headache and took much longer than I expected.
    Anniversary Photobucket
  • cindyn9178cindyn9178 member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I'm at 100 days out and I'm starting to feel the same way!

    Here is a list of pretty much everything we have done so far. Maybe this will help you:

    -Ceremony location booked. Music and readings selected. Pre-Cana completed.
    -Reception location booked. Second deposit being paid this week.
    -Invitations ordered, received and addressed. Sending them out end of July.
    -DJ booked. Will be meeting with them early August.
    -Photographer booked
    -Makeup trial done and MUA booked
    -Hair Trial done and person is booked
    -Hair accessories and veil purchased
    -Shoes, garter and undergarments purchased
    -had first dress fitting. 2nd fitting scheduled for beginning of August
    -Programs planned out, just need to print and assemble them
    -Favors decided on, tags made. Won't be purchasing candy until September
    -Bubble wands purchased - ribbons tied on, and basket for them purchased and painted.
    -Card box made
    -Guest book and pen purchased
    -Cake tasting completed and cake is ordered
    -BM dresses have been ordered and delivered. Fittings beginning end of July
    -Tuxes have been selected and all guys have info - to be ordered by middle of August.
    -Florist is booked, flowers selected
    -Flower Girl dress purchased
    -Bride's Jewelry Purchased
    -Bridesmaid gifts purchased, need to wrap them
    -Honeymoon booked
    -Menu cards designed - will print after selecting menu
    -Hotel block reserved/room reserved for wedding night
    -Limo is booked
    -MOB/MOG dresses are ordered/delivered. Fittings will be soon.
    -Rehearsal dinner location is booked, invitations ordered.
    -Bags & contents for OOT guests at hotel have been purchased. Need to assemble.
    -Place cards designed - will print once seating chart is done.

    I think that is about it. We are a little ahead of the game, but we wanted to be able to enjoy our summer instead of scrambling to get things done. Hope that helps!!
  • Faith2730Faith2730 member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Wow! I have a month and a half left and I haven't even done some of that stuff! You're good! :)
  • GiaspoGiaspo member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Wow.  We are September 9th and boy do I feel behind!  Thank you for the list; it is very helpful!
  • cindyn9178cindyn9178 member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I"m sure you aren't behind, I'm just impatient and do things really early! lol
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