So my bridal shower is on Sunday (yay!).. I thought the plan was just for FI to drop me off there and then leave.
Well, I just spoke to my mom (who is throwing the shower for me), and she said that my dad plans on staying there to eat, along with FI and my dad's friend. (I don't even understand why my dad needs to go there at all).
The shower is starting at 12, and the food is being served at 12:30.. and there is no other room for them to hang out in.. so they'd basically be sitting at a table in the same room as the shower, for an hour.
I told my mom I really didn't want FI, my dad, and a random guy hanging out at my shower for an hour.. it might sound bratty, but I just think it is weird/dumb to have guys at a bridal shower.. I know people do couple's showers all the time, but it just isn't for me.. when my mom asked me what kind of shower I wanted, I specifically told her, no guys.
I don't see any reason why my dad needs to go at all, and why FI can't just leave and come back later to help me with the gifts, etc.
This is really bumming me out now. I was looking forward to my shower this weekend, and now, I'm annoyed about all of it, and not looking forward to it at all

Am I being dumb in not wanting my dad and FI hanging out at my shower for an hour?