New Jersey

Colonia NJ - home search continues

Hello all - so we may have found a nice home in Colonia - house and block are nice, schools seem fine - does anyone have any info that might help us - even if negative...we would rather know now than later, if you know what I mean!

Thank you!!!!

Re: Colonia NJ - home search continues

  • cindyn9178cindyn9178 member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    My friend's husband grew up in Colonia, and he turned out fine, lol. (Sorry don't have any other info for you)
  • edited December 2011
    Colonia is a nice town and the people that live there seem to like it.  There is a ritzy section that is considered the wealthy end of woodbridge and a lot of folks send their kids to private schools.  I would also consider Metuchen, it has a nice downtown area with shops and restaurants.  The one thing to avoid in Colonia is the train, make sure the property isn't close to it for noise issues.
    1st Groom

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  • smw42smw42 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    We've been looking in Colonia as well at homes. (We currently live in Woodbridge) - I would think the only downfalls are that the area can get very congested, otherwise I think it's a great area. We're also looking at South Plainfield, East Brunswick, and possibly Old Bridge.
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  • edited December 2011
    Have you tried also posting this on the NJ Nest board? I bet some of the ladies there might have some more information to offer, too.
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