Although this place is beautiful and appeared to be the perfect place for my wedding, I am now on a mission to stop people from going to this club or booking their wedding here. They think they are some sort of exclusive, celebrity ridden club that only the rich and famous should attend. There were bouncers at my wedding there, yes, bouncers that I sure as hell did not request. I have a 16 year old cousin who was threatened to be kicked out numerous times because they kept saying he had alcohol in his soda. When he ordered a pitcher of soda to try and get them off his back, they still kept at it. The place opens up to the public at 10pm, so at 9:30, they rushed everyone out as if there was a fire. Some of us stayed to party some more which was a big mistake. Someone reserved the seats we were sitting in, so we got kicked out of hose seats, yet never saw anyone else sitting there for the next few hours. You may have read my husband's post on here already, where he mentions how the bouncers kicked the door down because him and his cousin were in the bathroom too long. Then 4 bouncers proceeded to put them in a choke-hold and drag them down the stairs where they lost consciousness for a bit. Nice, right? For being in the bathroom for too long? Unreal....So today we filed a report with the Long Branch PD where they told us that they've had an ongoing problem with the security there. I'm going to do everything within my power to try and keep this from happening again. We will be contacting the detective department as instructed, and obtaining the surveillance tapes. I really don't know how to go about all of this, but I'll figure something out!
Just please save your money and book your private party at McLoones where your guests will be treated with respect. One of the bouncers from McLoones helped my husband find me and made sure he was safe. I didn't even get to mention half of the instances that Avenue's security interfered with the party. No one deserves to be treated the way we were. I had read similar stories online and ignored them because I really loved the way the venue looks. Please don't make the same mistake I did. STAY AWAY!!!