New Jersey

What's the best way to plan out seating arrangements?

In your experience, what was the best/easiest method to plan out seating for the reception?  We already have a map of the room layout from our venue, so that's taken care of.  And we're anticipating we'll have approximately 150-160 guests when all is said and done, so I want something that's easy to use and play around with so I can make changes and rearrange things.

I know some people use computer programs, some people use post-its (though they lose their stick very quickly), etc. 

What did you find to be the easiest system?
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Re: What's the best way to plan out seating arrangements?

  • jchristeljchristel member
    edited December 2011
    I used two methods.  First I took my guest list in Excel and broke people up into categories, Mom's family, Dad's family, DH's family, DH's friends, my friends, DH coworkers, my coworkers, etc.  Then I sorted the people based on their category and got a rough idea of who I wanted to put with who.  Some were really easy and some were difficult.  Once I got the groupings about right in Excel, I used paper plates and little post-its so I could show DH and we could do some rearranging.  It also helped the lay the plates out on our dining room table in the same arrangement as our venue "map" so we could make sure the tables were in the right proximity to our sweetheart table.  

    I don't know where you are in your RSVPs, but I wouldn't do too much too soon.  I was in a big hurry to get it done and ended up having to make a ton of changes because of people RSVPing late or dropping out.  The only thing I would recommend doing early on is the grouping.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks, jchristel!  Yeah... we're definitely not starting now as we still have about 84 oustanding.  I just wanted to start figuring out how we're even going to approach this when the time comes since our response card deadline is in a week and we're hoping to have a definitive list within the next two weeks.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • jchristeljchristel member
    edited December 2011
    I was really getting antsy because I had Michele Clark do my escort cards.  I wanted to get them in enough time so I was going nuts waiting for all of the RSVPs. 
  • goaliegirlgoaliegirl member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I just used an Exel Spreadsheet and it was super easy, and very easy to make changes.   We actually had our parents put their friends/family into groups of 8-10 and we did our friends.  It worked out wonderful and honestly was not stressful at all. 

  • edited December 2011
    I had way less people than you, but I used the rsvp cards (or pieces of paper for the people who replied verbally) and sorted people into categories first and then divded them up from there.  I kind of recreated the layout of the venue on my dining room table.  My MIL had given me a list of where she wanted some people, so that made it a little easier too.  I had to change it just a bit though b/c she was operating under the assumption that there was a head table which there was not.
  • mbcdefgmbcdefg member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I had all my plans for everything written in a small notebook, so once we got our replies I started categorizing people - college friends, FIL's family, my mom's friends, coworkers, etc. We could fit up to 10 people per table so a lot of it worked out on its own.

    I think there were only about two tables where there were more than 10 people, so we sat a related group at the nearby table and it worked out. Example, one table was MH's high school friends and their wives. One of those guys was really friendly with our College Friends group, so we put that guy at the College Friends table and had the two tables close to each other so that everyone could interact if they wanted to.
  • edited December 2011
    I also used Excel.  Just grouped people in tables of 8-10.  So easy to move it around without needing to physically have paper in front of you.
  • felicia220felicia220 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    We used Index cards and a good old #2 pencil.  I also didn't want to do it on the computer, I wanted something in front of me that I could move people around.  We also had 3 lists, my family, my ILs and all of our friends.  
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah, I liked physically moving the paper around.  :)

    In Response to <a href="">Re: What's the best way to plan out seating arrangements?</a>:
    [QUOTE]We used Index cards and a good old #2 pencil.  I also didn't want to do it on the computer, I wanted something in front of me that I could move people around.  We also had 3 lists, my family, my ILs and all of our friends.  
    Posted by felicia220[/QUOTE]
  • kristen8040kristen8040 member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    This was ours:

    It was actually relatively easy to make and a good way to see where everyone would be, not just at tables but in the whole room itself.
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  • edited December 2011
    I used the seating arrangement tool at  Created the layout of the room, and then I could seat poeple and move them around.  Worked great.
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  • edited December 2011 has a super easy program. You click and drag people to tables. Very easy to change people around, move tables, etc. 
  • tstrayer27tstrayer27 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I'm using as well. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: What's the best way to plan out seating arrangements?</a>:
    [QUOTE]This was ours: It was actually relatively easy to make and a good way to see where everyone would be, not just at tables but in the whole room itself.
    Posted by kristen8040[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I've worked in development and when planning any event, color-coded post-its is the way we always went.  it is an easy way to see where people are.  Also, we would make little tables to go on the spaces so that if we wanted to move a whole table, we didn't have to move each individual tag.</div><div>
    </div><div>**Quick tip** don't make a tag for each person if they are a couple and def sitting together!  after each name, put the number of guests in parenthasis, so that again, you don't have to move several tags for people who will def be sitting together. So, a couple would be: Jen & John Smith (2).  A family: Smith family (5)

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