Nevada-Las Vegas

54 Days-Too Much to do! Why doI feel like this!?

Ok- Seriously I have 4 pair of shoes and can't decide. Im going to go broke on stupid shoes!I keep looking at the forms I have to complete and think they are suddenly written in a foreign language! Why can't I finalize anthing! I am losing my mind. We have WAY more people coming that I thought we would- does that mean i have to entertain all of them? And to be honest I keep seeing all the great ideas you ladies are coming up with and want to add more to my wedding! Ahhhh! To add to the pile- my niece is getting married in 2 weeks (Im in her wedding ofcourse), my little sister is expecting their first child (the shower is at my house, ofcourse), and I work so much I might as well move in! Oh and my fiancee seems suprised that I want him to finalize a tux (baby, its Vegas... Im sure I can get one whenever!)Ok- I feel better. Just needed to say that to someone :o)

Re: 54 Days-Too Much to do! Why doI feel like this!?

  • edited December 2011
    Oh dear!!! I agree it is way to much worrying.  People never realize how much walking they are gonna do when they come to Vegas! I agree wear whatever is most comfortable! You don't need to entertain the people that have decided to come to vegas to celebrate with you.  I suggest doing something like going to one of the nicer bars after your wedding and everyone having drinks.  That they can all pay for on their own and when you are ready to take off and enjoy the evening as husband and wife you can.  Or if you guys wanna hang out with friends you can make plans then. Everyone has something to do in Vegas wether it go gamble, hang out and dance in a night club, go see a show. Whatever.  It does sound like some big events are happening in your life.  Take one event at a time.  Enjoy it for the moment you are in. Congrats on all the wonderful blessings around you.Wow this is long, but I am gonna tell you something that has always stuck with me. My friend lost his wife to cancer and he said the one thing that he wishes he could have done is to live in the moment.  He was always thinking about what he was going to do next.  He never enjoyed the moments of his life when he should have been living in the moment.  You can never get those moments back. Enjoy each one. 
  • dreamesdreames member
    edited December 2011
    I'm right there with you about the shoes... I mean, why is it so hard to decide?? And talk about going broke on them, I bought a pair of Christian Louboutin's a few months back that I thought were perfect, but now I've found another pair that I like even more. I don't exactly have $800 in the budget for shoes, but even FI thinks they're too perfect to pass up. And the practical side of me is screaming that not only are they too expensive, but they're also probably going to be very painful to wear. I've already decided that I HAVE to have them, though. So, screw you practical side. I'm also stressing about the number of people. Both the venues we're using have a 70 person limit, but we're inviting 110 people. While I know not all will be able to come, I'm still dealing with the possibility that we'll need to change our venues at the last minute. It does help to see these things to someone, doesn't it? ;)
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